If a user already has a DU REDCap account, you can add them to your project by:
Step 1: In your Project Menu (on the left-hand side of every project page), look in the Applications section for link to the "User Rights" page.

Step 2: Start typing their name into the "Add New Users" box -- REDCap should show you a list of similar usernames, and you can select the correct name.
- If you don't see the username you want, check that the user has been granted access to REDCap, and that the user has logged into their new account at least once.

"Adding with custom rights" versus "Assigning a user to a role"
- If you create user roles such as "Data Entry Person" and "Project Manager" in advance, you can save time when adding new users or adjusting existing user rights.
Step 3: Decide what rights to give the new user:
- If you want to make someone a project administrator, give them the power to modify user rights (they'll be able to add new users and modify everyone's user rights, including their own).
- If someone is only entering data and shouldn't be modifying data, restrict their rights so that they can only create records and view data.
- Should they be able to download data, and if so, should it be the de-identified data or the full data set?
Examples of rights you can assign to project members:

- If you created a REDCap project, you automatically have administrator rights for that particular project. You have the power to modify user rights, so you can grant yourself and others more rights as needed.