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DU REDCap Support

How DU users get access to REDCap

Does your lab already use REDCap?

  1. Please fill out this form to request a new REDCap account for yourself or members of your lab.
  2. Once you have a REDCap account, your project administrator can grant you user rights to your lab's projects.

Does your lab want to get started using REDCap?

  1. Email to set up a consultation where your PI can talk with REDCap support about whether REDCap is a good fit for your project.

Can non-DU users access DU's REDCap?

If a research project member is from outside DU, your PI (or any team member in a benefited position) can request that your project member become a Special Community Member (SCM). This process involves a background check, which can take several weeks -- so please plan ahead if you have outside users who need REDCap access!

IT@DU maintains a very helpful FAQ on SCMs -- once you're ready to complete the online SCM form, REDCap users should remember to:

  • Under "What technology resources are needed", choose: DU email address and VPN
  • include that your SCM needs to use REDCap in the “Reason for Requesting SCM Status/Access for Individual” text box.

Once you receive confirmation that your SCM now has a DU email address, please fill out this form to request their REDCap access.

The DU REDCap license

REDCap was originally developed at Vanderbilt University for medical research, and is now supported by the REDCap Consortium, of which DU is a member.

We're licensed to use REDCap solely for non-commercial use.

Publications resulting from REDCap use need to cite this 2009 Harris et al paper.

REDCap in a nutshell

What is REDCap?

REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed to support data capture for research studies. Data entry happens online, either by participants who fill out surveys, or by project team members logged into REDCap (databases).


Why consider REDCap?

Data security. REDCap and our DU REDCap server are HIPAA compliant.

  • Audit trails (automatic, continual documentation of all data and user activity) protect your data AND you.

Centralized, online access means you and your team can access your projects from any internet-connected device.

Data quality. Built-in tools help manage data collection, which helps ensure the quality of your data.

Download data in spreadsheet format for analysis in R, SPSS, STATA, SAS, Excel, etc.