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Streaming Media

Creating a New Playlist in Alexander Street Press Collections "Legacy Platform"

NOTE: These instructions are for use with Alexander Street Press collections hosted on ASP's "Legacy Platform." This platform is entirely separate and independent from ASP's "new platform."  Content in one platform is not discoverable through the other. Clips and playlist saved in one platform are not accessible in the other. Collections on the legacy platform include:

Border and Migration Studies Online
Human Rights Studies Online
Revolution and Protest Online
Security Issues Online
Ethnographic Sound Archives Online
Environmental Issues Online
Music Online: Classical Music Library
Music Online: Jazz Music Library
Music Online: Popular Music Library
Music Online: American Music
Music Online: Contemporary World Music
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries

1. First, create a personal user account in Alexander Street Press. (This link is to the collection "Human Rights Studies Online," but you can access all our ASP collections once you are in any of them.) To create and manage playlists, you must be logged in to ASP (after DU authentication) with your own personal account. Use the “User Profile” icon in the top right corner to access “Log in” or “Create New Account” as appropriate.

2. Once you are logged in, access the ASP collection you want to search.

Click on Menu hamburger at top left

This exposes the “My Collections” drop-down menu. Select your desired collection. You can use a single ASP user account for all ASP collections.

3. Search the collection and select a title.

4. When the title opens, select “Playlist” under the media player. A dialogue labeled “Add to / create playlist” will open in popup window.

The popup may take a few seconds to open. Meanwhile, the window behind the popup may say something confusing like “Your list (0 items).” Don’t let this throw you off. The popup should open if you are patient. 

5. In the popup, enter a name for your new playlist in the field labeled “Create a new playlist.” Then click the “Create” button.

Creating a new list with your selected item returns to the “Your list (0 items)” page behind the popup. This, again, can be confusing. But a new page is loading, although it may take a few seconds.

6. The new page will read “Playlist: [playlist name] by [your user account].

The visibility option for your playlist will default to "just me." To make your playlist discoverable by others, click the "Edit playlist" button and change this setting as appropriate.

A permanent link and embed code to this playlist are available from a button under the playlist title.  The embed code can be pasted into the HTML of a Canvas page or another webpage, to make this playlist part of that page. You can also share the playlist by posting or emailing the link.


Adding Content an Existing Playlist in Alexander Street Press Collections

1. Follow steps 1-4 for creating a new playlist.

2. When you reach the “Add to / create playlist” dialogue popup, choose an existing playlist from the drop-down menu and add your selected title. Save.

3. Access this or any other playlist you have created through your user account.

Once logged in, click on the Menu hamburger at the top left of the window. This will expose the link “Playlists.” Click this link.

The “filter by” menu on the left side of the playlists page will default to “Just me,” meaning pivate playlists only. To see playlists you have shared, change this setting to the appropriate value

Once you change this setting to “Shared with everyone,” you will see all playlists by all creators displayed. In order to see just the playlists you have created, change another setting under “Playlists” – change this from “All public playlists” to “Show only my playlists.”

You will see a menu of all the playlists you have created.

You can copy permanent links and embed code for playlists from this menu. The embed code can be pasted into the HTML of a Canvas page or another webpage, to make this playlist part of that page. You can also share the list by posting or emailing the permanent link.