NOTE: These instructions are for creating and managing clips in collections on the Alexander Street Press "new platform." This platform is entirely separate and independent from ASP's "legacy platform." Content in one platform is not discoverable through the other. Clips and playlist saved in one platform are not accessible in the other. Collections on the new platform include:
Filmakers Library Online
Academic Video Online
Alexander Street Press Videos (multi-search)
World History in Video
American History in Video
Ethnographic Video Online
Counseling and Therapy in Video
Social Work Online
Theatre in Video
Opera in Video
BBC Landmark Video
1. Navigate to your video.
2. Click “clips” in the menu at the top of the page.
3. A red button reading “Sign in to create a new clip” appears on the right side of the page.
- You will have to create an account if you have not already done so.
- This account is completely separate from accounts in Alexander Street Press “Old Platform.”
- After signing in (or if you are already signed in), the “Sign in to create a new clip” button changes to read “Create a new clip.”
4. Click on “Create a new clip.”
- This opens a dialogue at the bottom of the page.
- The dialogue includes the fields “Clip title,” “Clip description,” Start time, Finish time, and permissions.
- Permissions are set by default to “Only visible to you.”
- Drag the ends of the red timeline slider to set the beginning and end of your clip
- Alternatively (or to refine your selection), place the cursor in “Start” and “Finish” fields and use your keyboard’s up or down arrow to increase or decrease the time value.
- Click “save changes” when you are done.
5. Your clip will automatically appear in the “clips” menu under “Create a new clip.”
- Click the “Options” menu [three dots stacked vertically] to the right of the clip title.
- If the clip’s permission is set “public” or “institutional,” the options will include “share.”
- Use “share” menu to copy a permanent link or embed code, or to share the clip on social media.
- If you are signed in, and the clip is one that you created, the options will also include “edit” and “delete.”
6. Alexander Street Press “New Platform” does not support playlists