Produced by the American Psychological Association, PsycINFO is a comprehensive international database of psychology literature. It contains relevant materials from related disciplines including education, medicine, social sciences, communication, and organizational behavior. The database provides indexing to over 1,500 journals, dissertations, book chapters, books, technical reports, and other documents.
To access PsycINFO through DU's institutional resources, please follow these steps:
STEP ONE: Starting at, find the Databases search box. You can search for "psycinfo" in the search box, or click the red "Databases" link above the box and click on the "P" section to find it alphabetically.
STEP TWO: Once you locate the PsycINFO entry, click on the blue text of the database title.
STEP THREE: You will be redirected to the database search interface. If you're trying to access the database from off campus you will be prompted for you DU ID number and password. From here you can search the database at your pleasure.