The e-resources in this section are reference texts available online through University Libraries. Sources include information on economics, business, and finance as well as green business.
Provides general information on key areas of micro and macroeconomics. Analysis of economic theory includes introductions to empirical evidence and cutting-edge topics. Information is presented in graphical form and summarized so as to be understandable by readers of all levels of education.
350 entries about Corporate Social Responsibility listed alphabetically and compiled by the Institute for Corporate Cultural Affairs (ICCA). Entries include definitions, core concepts, and key words. Written to be the definitive reference on CSR and usable for members of the business community from students to managers.
A two volume collection of over 315 articles covering five general areas: finance and banking, accounting, marketing, management, and information systems. Authored by leading professionals in business, government, and business education, articles are written to be practical as well as scholarly for the layperson.
Provides clear overviews of the important business topics of our time. Around 1,000 entries cover current business topics as well as anticipated future concerns. Entries are in the general categories of political, financial, environmental, and international economics.
Focuses on how businesses and industries internationally have greened their practices and are working to reduce their environmental impact and contribute to sustainability. Over 150 entries discuss key principles, approaches, strategies, and tools employed as well as some business that are working to green their operations and products. Entries include citations and references to other entries.
A short entry dictionary of general economic terms. Also included are discussions of economic theory; surveys of applied economics, financial institutions, and the history of economics; and biographies of key economists. Entries are current and international.
A one-stop guide for finance professionals. Entries include best practice essays, step-by-step to solving problems and calculations, country and industry analysis, over 9,000 terms definitions, book reviews, quotations, and biographies. Contributors are experts, leaders, and educators in finance writing practical and scholarly articles on a broad range of financial topics.