A database of full-text articles from journals published primarily by MCB University Press. Covers a wide range of topics including business, education, engineering, library science, management and operations & production.
A full-text database containing complete backfiles of over 2,000 core scholarly journals that have been digitized, starting with the first issues and dating from the 1800s to within three to five years ago.
Includes important full‐text journals and much sought‐after titles from the business press as well as key trade publications, dissertations, conference proceedings, and market reports
Contains more than 180,000 documents covering over 100 countries and industries using an easy to navigate and reliable system. Formerly known as Mergent WebReports
Provides company information and industry surveys on 52 major U.S. industries, and After Market Reports (AMR) (formerly available via Thomson One).
To access After Market Reports, click the Research tab. To access the last 12 months of reports in our subscription, go to all contributors and then under Product Type, Select Aftermarket Research – Standard and then click on the Search button. When you retrieve the results, you can click on the PDF icon for a report you want, and then you’ll see an option to Download. When you click on that, you will get the report.
Includes ESPM (Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management); EIS (Environmental Impact Statements); TOXLINE; and AGRICOLA (a comprehensive agricultural research database from the USDA -- ProQuest's version of AGRICOLA provides convenient links to DU's full-text subscriptions when available). Sources include scholarly journals, trade journals, newspapers and magazines, conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books, and government publications.
Database of articles focusing on human impacts on the environment, including global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Provides multidisciplinary coverage of high-impact scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Use the unique Cited References Search to find articles that cite an author or work -- this allows you to track citations forward in time. Content dates from 1900 - present. Includes Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index.