The following are instructions are examples for how to export references from databases. Please note: most databases offer a direct export of references into Zotero. If you do not see an export option, look for an option to export your citations in .ris format.
EBSCO DATABASES (Ex: Academic Search Complete, PsychINFO)
1. Perform a search in an EBSCO database
2. Click on the title of the item you want to cite/reference
3. In the left sidebar menu for that item, select the "Export" icon as shown below
4. Next, click "Direct Export in RIS Format" and then click "Save".
5. Go to the Downloads folder on your computer. Double click on the .ris file. The reference should automatically open in Zotero.
1. Perform a search in a ProQuest database.
2. In the search results, click the checkboxes to select individual references as shown below
3. Click the "Save" option.
4. Next, select "RIS (works with EndNote, citavi, etc.) as shown below.
5. In the Export/Save window, click "Continue". Your reference(s) should automatically download.
6. Go to your Downloads folder on your computer. Double click the .ris file. Your reference should automatically open up in Zotero.
The following directions are to show you how to export a saved database folder of references to Zotero.
1. Go to your saved folder in the database you are using as shown below.
2. Using the checkmark boxes, select the items you wish to export to Zotero.
3. Select "Export."
4. Select "Direct Export in RIS Format" as shown below
5. A Zotero Connector dialog box should automatically pop up. Select "OK" to import your selected references to Zotero.