As Abraham Lincoln once said, "It's important to verify the accuracy of quotations that you've found on the Internet or some other third-party source." This research guide contains search tips and electronic resources you can use to check where (or if) your life-affirming or paper-completing quote originates from.
For Known Authors
Compass Catalog: Search author’s name + “works” or “papers” (e.g., Thomas Jefferson); concordance (e.g., Shakespeare), “letters”, “diary”, “writings”, “lectures”, or “essays”.
For Known Quotations
If you have a complete quotation and you'd like to discover who said (or wrote) it, try using our broad interdisciplinary databases. These electronic resources can usually be searched for the quotation, in whole or in part (in case it is not quite correct). Try using Google Scholar, Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, or Project Muse.
For Foreign Languages
Try a Compass catalog search with your "quotation(s)" AND [language].
Catalog search: "quotations" + subject. Examples: