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Political Risk Analysis: Home

Political Risk Yearbook

Political Risk Yearbook is produced by PRS Group. Read about Political Risk Services  (PRS).

Political Risk Yearbook Interface

Read the PRS Group Methodology.

Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic)

Go the the NexisUni database

To find country reports and risk analysis, try one or both of these strategies:

  • Strategy 1: Do a general search [your topic], then filter by Source Type: Country & Region Reports. NOTE: Formerly Economist Intelligence Unit reports were available via Nexis Uni, but that is no longer the case. You will need to rely on other sources.
  • Strategy 2: Do a News search with a country name as a headline AND SWOT – Example headline(bermuda) AND SWOT. This is usually an extremely effective strategy.

ABI/Inform Complete

Search ABI/Inform Complete like this:

Business Source Complete

Business Source Complete contains political risk materials. Here is a suggested search:

Homeland Security Digital Library

A product of the Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security, the Homeland Security Digital Library is a portal to material that can be found in other databases (Congressional Research Service reports, GAO reports and testimony, DTIC documents, RAND publications) as well as materials not easily located in other places, such as thesis from the Naval Postgraduate School.

We have access to the Full Collection that contains over 110,800 items offering users a range of materials in contemporary and historical issues in homeland security and its related fields. The collection includes material from a wide range variety of sources including federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities.

Other Relevant Databases

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Christopher C. Brown
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University of Denver

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