Library CatalogThis is the library catalog for the University Libraries. Your search will help you locate materials owned by the University Libraries, including books, journals, videos, and other cataloged materials. You can begin with a keyword search, combining your topic words with an "and" (e.g., social welfare and history and united states). Once you find some relevant books on your topic, then you can identify the appropriate subject headings to use in more refined searches (e.g., Public welfare--United States--History...
This is the library catalog for University Libraries. Your search will help you locate materials owned by University Libraries, including books, journals, videos, and other cataloged materials. You can begin with a keyword search, combining your topic words with an "and" (e.g., social welfare and history and united states). Once you find some relevant books on your topic, then you can identify the appropriate subject headings to use in more refined searches (e.g., Public welfare--United States--History; Women social reformers--United States--History).