Y 4.Ad 6: Publications
Y 4.Ae 8: Hearings
Y 4.Ag 4: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.Ag 4:P 96/ Publications List
Y 4.Ag 8/1: Hearings, Publications, Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Ag 8/1-11: Rules of the Committee on Agriculture
Y 4.Ag 8/1-12: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Ag 8/2: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.Ag 8/3: Hearings, Publications, Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Ap 6/1: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.Ap 6/1-10: Views and Estimates on the Budget Proposed for Fiscal Year
Y 4.Ap 6/1-11: Committee Rules
Y 4.Ap 6/2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Ar 5/2a: Papers
Y 4.Ar 5/2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Ar 5/2-11: Organizational Meeting
Y 4.Ar 5/2-12: Laws
Y 4.Ar 5/2-13: Report of the Activities of the Committee on Armed Services
Y 4.Ar 5/2-14: Defense Cataloging and Standardization Act of 1952: Report
Y 4.Ar 5/2-15: Committee Rules and Rules for Investigative Hearings Conducted by Subcommittees of the Committee on Armed Services
Y 4.Ar 5/2-16: Review of Arms Control and Disarmament Activities
Y 4.Ar 5/2-17: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Ar 5/3: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.As 7: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.As 8: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.At 7/2: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.At 7/2:At Development, Growth, and State of the Atomic Energy Industry. Hearings
Y 4.At 7/2:L 52/ Atomic Energy Legislation Through (year)
Y 4.At 7/2:M 51/ Current Membership of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
Y 4.B 22/1: Hearings and Legislative Calendar
Y 4.B 22/1-10: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.B 22/3: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.B 22/3:Ac 8/ Summary of Activities
Y 4.B 85/2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.B 85/3: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.B 85/3-10: Rules of Procedure of the Committee on the Budget
Y 4.B 85/3-11: Views and Estimates of Committees of the House
Y 4.B 85/3-12: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.C 33/2: Publications
Y 4.C 43/2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.C 44: Publications
Y 4.C 73/2: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.C 73/6: Publications
Y 4.C 73/7: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.C 73/8: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.C 75: Publications
Y 4.C 76/3: Publications
Y 4.D 36: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.D 36:R 29/ Annual Report of the Activities of the Joint Committee on Defense Production
Y 4.D 36/2: Publications
Y 4.D 63/1: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.D 63/1-10: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.D 63/1-11: Committee Rules
Y 4.Ec 7: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Ec 7:Ec 7/ Economic Indicators
Y 4.Ec 7:Ec 7/2/ Economic Report of the President: Hearings
Y 4.Ec 7/10: Committee Publications and Policies Governing their Distribution
Y 4.Ec 7/11: An Analysis of the Current Services Budget Contained in the President's Budget for Fiscal Year
Y 4.Ed 8/1: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.Ed 8/1-10: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Ed 8/1-11: Views and Estimates of the Committee on Education and Labor
Y 4.Ed 8/1-12: A Compilation of Federal Education Laws
Y 4.Ed 8/3: Publications
Y 4.En 2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.En 2:P 96/ Publications List
Y 4.En 2/3: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.En 2/3-10: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.En 2/3-11: Rules
Y 4.En 2/3-12: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Y 4.Eq 2: Publications
Y 4.Et 3/4: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Ex 7/13: Publications
Y 4.Ex 7/14: Publications
Y 4.F 49: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.F 49/20: Hearings
Y 4.F 76/1: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.F 76/2: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.F 76/2-10: Legislation on Foreign Relations through [year]
Y 4.F 76/2-11: Arms Control Impact Statements
Y 4.G 74/4: Publications
Y 4.G 74/6: Hearings and Legislative Calendar
Y 4.G 76/6: Publications
Y 4.G 74/7: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.G 74/7-10: Rules of the Committee on Government Operations
Y 4.G 74/7-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.G 74/7-12: Interim report of the Activities
Y 4.G 74/8: Publications
Y 4.G 74/9: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.G 74/9-10: Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies
Y 4.G 74/9-11: Proliferation Watch
Y 4.G 74/6: Hearings and Legislative Calendar
Y 4.G 76/6: Publications
Y 4.H 75: Publications
Y 4.H 81/3: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.H 81/3:2/ Staff: The Congressional Staff Journal
Y 4.H 81/3-10: Rules of Procedure of the Committee on House Administration
Y 4.H 81/3-11: Calendar of Business
Y 4.H 88: Publications
Y 4.H 89: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.H 89/10: Rules of the Select Committee on Hunger
Y 4.Im 7/2: Report of the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee: Hearings
Y 4.In 2/2: Publications
Y 4.In 2/10: Publications
Y 4.In 2/11: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.In 8/3: Publications
Y 4.In 8/4: Hearings and Legislative Calendar
Y 4.In 8/11: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.In 8/11:T Tax Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States
Y 4.In 8/13: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.In 8/14: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.In 8/14:Ac 2/ Accomplishments of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
Y 4.In 8/14-11: Views and Estimates of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
Y 4.In 8/14-12: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.In 8/14-13: Rules for the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs
Y 4.In 8/15: Hearings
Y 4.In 8/16: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.In 8/16-11: Meeting of the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group
Y 4.In 8/16-12: Science, Technology, and American Diplomacy
Y 4.In 8/16-15: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
Y 4.In 8/16-17: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.In 8/16-18: Rules of the Committee on International Relations
Y 4.In 8/17: Publications
Y 4.In 8/18: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.In 8/18-10: Rules of Procedure for the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Y 4.In 8/19: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.In 8/20: Hearings and Rules
Y 4.J 89/1: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.J 89/1:In Index to Reports on Private and Public Bills and Resolutions Favorably Reported by the Committee
Y 4.J 89/1:UN United States Code 1926-
Y 4.J 89/1-11: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Y 4.J 89/1-12: Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
Y 4.J 89/1-13: Federal Rules of Evidence
Y 4.J 89/1-14: Index to Reports on Private and Public Bills and Resolutions Favorably Reported by the Committee
Y 4.J 89/1-15: Rules of Procedure
Y 4.J 89/1-16: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.J 89/2: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.J 89/2-10: Rules of Procedure
Y 4.L 11/2: Hearings and Legislative Calendar
Y 4.L 11/4: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.L 41: Hearings
Y 4.L 61/2: Publications
Y 4.M 53: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.M 53/11: Rules of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
Y 4.M 53/12: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.M 59/1: Publications
Y 4.M 59/2: Publications
Y 4.N 16: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.N 16/10: Rules of the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control
Y 4.N 21/5: Publications
Y 4.N 21/6: Publications
Y 4.N 21/8: Publications
Y 4.N 21/9: Publications
Y 4.N 95: Publications
Y 4.Ou 8/2: Publications
Y 4.P 31: Publications
Y 4.P 84/10: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.P 84/10-11: Annual Report of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (Committee Print)
Y 4.P 84/10-12: Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee ... Annual Report (Committee Print)
Y 4.P 84/10-13: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.P 84/10-14: Rules of House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service
Y 4.P 84/10-15: Current Salary Schedules of Federal Officers and Employees Together with a History of Salary and Retirement Annuity Adjustments
Y 4.P 84/11: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.P 84/7: Publications
Y 4.P 84/9: Publications
Y 4.P 93/1: Publications
Y 4.P 93/1-10: A Directory of U.S. Government Depository Libraries
Y 4.P 93/1:1 Congressional Directory
Y 4.P 93/1:2/ The Abridgment ... Containing Messages of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress
Y 4.P 93/1:6/ Government Printing & Binding Regulations
Y 4.P 93/1:7 Government Paper Specification Standards
Y 4.P 93/8: Hearings and Publications
Y 4.P 96/1: Publications
Y 4.P 96/2: Publications
Y 4.P 96/10: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.P 96/11: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.P 96/11-10: Committee Rules
Y 4.P 96/11-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.R 24: Publications
Y 4.R 24/4: Publications
Y 4.R 31/3: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.R 31/3-12: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.R 31/3-13: Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources
Y 4.R 86/1: Publications
Y 4.R 86/1-10: Rules of the Committee on Rules
Y 4.R 86/1-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.R 86/1-12: Rules Adopted by the Committees of the House of Representatives
Y 4.R 86/2: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.R 86/2:3/ Staff: The Congressional Staff Journal
Y 4.Sci 2: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.Sci 2/12: Rules
Y 4.Sci 2-10: Summary of Activities
Y 4.Sci 2-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Se 2: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Se 2/10: Annual Report of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Y 4.Se 2/11: CSCE Digest
Y 4.Se 2/12: Publications List
Y 4.Se 2/1 A: Committee on National Security: Papers
Y 4.Se 2/1: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.Se 2/1-15: Committee Rules of the Committee on National Security
Y 4.Se 2/1-17: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Se 5/4: Publications
Y 4.Sm 1: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.Sm 1:10 Rules of the Committee on Small Business
Y 4.Sm 1:11 Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Sm 1/2: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.Sp 3: Publications
Y 4.St 2/3: Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.St 2/3-10: Code of Official Conduct
Y 4.St 2/3-11: Rules
Y 4.T 19/4: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.T 19/4-10: Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures
Y 4.T 24: Publications
Y 4.T 27/1: Publications
Y 4.T 27/2: Publications
Y 4.T 68/2 Hearings, Committee Prints, and Publications
Y 4.T 68/2-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.Un 1/2: Publications
Y 4.V 64/3: Hearings and Committee Prints
Y 4.V 64/3-10: Report to the Committee on the Budget from the Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Y 4.V 64/3-11: Legislative Calendar
Y 4.V 64/3-12: Committee Rules of Procedure
Y 4.V 64/4: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.W 36: Hearings, Legislative Calendar, and Committee Prints
Y 4.W 36:2/ Quarterly Report to the Congress and the East-West Foreign Trade Board on Trade between the United States and the Nonmarket Economy Countries
Y 4.W 36:3/ Quarterly Report on Trade between the United States and Nonmarket Economy Countries
Y 4.W 36:10-2/ Description of the Administration's Fiscal Year [year] Budget Recommendations under the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means
Y 4.W 36:10-3/ Compilation of the Social Security Laws
Y 4.W 36:10-4/ Background Material and Data on Major Programs within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means
Y 4.W 36:10-5/ Manual of Rules of the Committee on Ways and Means
Y 4.W 36:10-6/ Legislative Record of the Committee on Ways and Means
Y 4.W 36:10-7/ Green Book, Overview of Entitlement Programs