TC 1.1: Annual Report
TC 1.2: General Publications
TC 1.7: Indexes and Lists of Publications
TC 1.8: Rules of Practice and Procedure
TC 1.9: Reports, 2nd Series
TC 1.10: Manuals
TC 1.13: Imports under Reciprocal Trade Agreement ( by countries)
TC 1.14: Trade Agreements (by countries)
TC 1.14/3: Operation of the Trade Agreements Program
TC 1.16: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
TC 1.16/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
TC 1.18: War Changes in Industry Series: Report
TC 1.19: Agricultural, Pastoral, and Forest Industries in American Republics
TC 1.20: Economic Controls and Commercial Policy in American Republics
TC 1.21: Mining and Manufacturing Industries in American Republics
TC 1.22: Recent developments in the foreign trade of American Republics
TC 1.26: Summaries of Tariff Information
TC 1.26/2: Summary of Trade and Tariff Information prepared in Terms of the Tariff Schedules of the United States
TC 1.31: Determination of no Injury in [various subjects]
TC 1.31/2: Determination of Injury in [various subjects]
TC 1.33: Synthetic Organic Chemicals. United States Production and Sales
TC 1.34: Publications of the United States International Trade Commission
TC 1.36: Imports of Benzenoid Chemicals and Products
TC 1.37: Fact Sheets
TC 1.39: Reports on Investigations and Inquiries