GS 1.1: Annual Report of the Administrator of General Services 1949-
GS 1.1/2: Management Report
GS 1.1/3: Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to the Congress
GS 1.2: General Publications
GS 1.5: Laws
GS 1.6: Regualtions, Rules, and Instructions
GS 1.6/5: Federal Procurement Regulations
GS 1.6/6: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
GS 1.6/8: Federal Property Management Regulations, Temporary Regulations
GS 1.6/8-2: Federal Travel Regulations
GS 1.6/8-3: Federal Property Management Regulations Amendments
GS 1.6/9: GSA Handbooks
GS 1.6/10: Federal Acquisition Regulation
GS 1.13: Forms
GS 1.15: Summary Report on Real Property Owned by the United States Throughout the World 1955-
GS 1.15/6: Federal Real Property Profile
GS 1.15/2: Inventory Report on Real Property Leased to the United States Throughout the World 1956-
GS 1.15/4: Detailed Listing of Real Property Owned by the United States and Used by Civil Agencies Throughout the World as of September 30
GS 1.15/4-2: Detailed Listing of Real Property Owned by the United States and Used by the Department of Defense for Military Functions Throughout the World as of September 30
GS 1.15/5: U.S. Real Property Sales List
GS 1.17: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
GS 1.22: Stockpile Report to the Congress
GS 1.25: Environmental Impact Statement
GS 1.26: GSA Training Center Catalog and Schedule
GS 1.26/3: GSA Interagency Training Center Newsletter
GS 1.28: Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs
GS 1.31: GSA Subcontracting Directory
GS 1.34: Worldwide Geographic Location Codes
GS 1.35: Electronic Products
GS 1.37/2: Information Technology Newsletter
GS 1.37: ICA Newsletter
GS 1.38: Intergovernmental Solutions Newsletter
GS 1.39: Fedware Magazine
GS 1.41: FedBizOpps: Federal Business Opportunities
GS 1.42: Federal Acquisition Regulation
GS 2.2: General Publications
GS 2.6/3: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
GS 2.7/4: Federal Supply Schedule
GS 2.7/5: Federal Supply Schedule Program Guide
GS 2.7/6: Multiple Award Federal Supply Schedule
GS 2.8/2: Index of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks
GS 2.8/3: Federal Standards
GS 2.17: Marketips
GS 2.18: Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Reports
GS 2.22: New Item Introductory Schedule
GS 2.24/2: FSS P
GS 2.27: Vehicle Views
GS 4.1: Annual Reports
GS 4.2: General Publications
GS 4.2:Au 2 Reference List of Audiovisual Materials Produced by the United States Government 1978
GS 4.2:C 76/2 Index/Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (1976)
GS 4.2:C 76/3 Index/Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (1979)
GS 4.3: Bulletins of National Archives
GS 4.6/2: Records Management Handbooks
GS 4.6/2:F 31 Federal Register, What it is and How to Use it 1978
GS 4.6/2:N 21 Guide to the National Archives of the United States 1974
GS 4.6/3: Standard and Optical Forms Facsimile Handbook
GS 4.7: Special Lists 1942-
GS 4.8: National Archives Accessions 1940-
GS 4.10/2: National Archives Inventory Series, 1970-
GS 4.10: Preliminary Inventories
GS 4.13: Territorial Papers of United States
GS 4.14/2: Annotation, the Newsletter of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission
GS 4.14/3: NHPRC (National Historical Publications and Records Commission) Annual Report
GS 4.15: National Archives Reference Information Papers
GS 4.17/2: List of National Archives Microfilm Publications 1945-
GS 4.17/5-2: List of Audiovisual Materials Produced by the United States Government
GS 4.18: Guide to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, VA
GS 4.18/2: Guides to the Microfilmed Records of the German Navy 1985-
GS 4.19: List of Record Groups in the National Archives and the Federal Records Centers
GS 4.21: Military Operations of the Civil War, Guide Index to Official Records of Union and Confederate Armies, 1861-1865 (1968-)
GS 4.22: General Information Leaflets 1969-
GS 4.23: Prologue, Journal of the National Archives
GS 4.102: General Publications
GS 4.107: Federal Register 1936-
GS 4.107/a:P Privacy Act Issuances 1976-
GS 4.107/a:R 245 Guide to Record Retention Reqiuirements 1955-
GS 4.108: Code of Federal Regulations 1938-
GS 4.108/3: List of CFR Sections Affected
GS 4.108/2: Supplement to Title 3, The President
GS 4.109: United States Government Manual 1935-
GS 4.109/2: Government Organization Handbooks
GS 4.110: Slip Laws
GS 4.110/3: Private Laws
GS 4.111: United States Statutes at Large 1873-
GS 4.111/2: Tables of Laws Affected
GS 4.113: Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States 1945-
GS 4.113/2: Proclamations and Executive Orders
GS 4.113/2:H Herbert Hoover, March 4, 1929-March 4, 1953
GS 4.113/3: Codification of Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders
GS 4.114: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents 1965-
GS 4.119: Directory of Federal Regional Structure
GS 8.6: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
GS 11.2: General Publications
GS 11.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
GS 11.9: Consumer Information Catalog
GS 11.9/3-2: Consumer Focus
GS 11.9/3: Consumer's Action
GS 12.2: General Publications
GS 12.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
GS 12.10: Automatic Data Procesing Equipment Inventory in the United States Government as of the End of the Fiscal Year
GS 12.10/2: ADP and Telecommunications Standards Index
GS 12.11: New Way of Saving
GS 12.12: Telephone Directory, Central Office and Regions
GS 12.12/2: FTS (Federal Telecommunications Service) Directories
GS 12.12/3: IRMS (Information Resources Management Services) Directory of Assistance
GS 12.14: Federal Software Exchange Catalog GSA/ADTS/C-
GS 12.14/2: Federal Software Exchange Catalog, Information Supplement
GS 12.15/2: GSA FIRMR/FAR Regulations
GS 12.16: Office of Software Development and Information Technology: Reports
GS 12.17: Information Resources Management Handbook
GS 12.17/3: Information Resources Management Newsletter
GS 12.18: Standard and Optional Forms Facsimile Handbook
GS 12.19: Federal IRM (Information Resources Management) Directory
GS 13.1: Annual Report 1976-