Ju 4.2: General Publications
Ju 7.2: General Publications
Ju 7.5: Cases Decided in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 1911-
Ju 7.5/2: Cases Decided in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Customs Cases Adjudged in the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Ju 7.8: Rules of United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
Ju 7.8/2: Regulations, Rules, Instructions
Ju 7.10: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
Ju 10.1: Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States (and) Semiannual Report of the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts 1940-
Ju 10.1/2: United States Courts: Selected Reports
Ju 10.1/3: Report of the Director: Activities of the Administrative Office
Ju 10.1/4: Judicial Business of the United States Courts
Ju 10.2: General Publications
Ju 10.3/2: Third Branch, A Bulletin of the Federal Courts 1968-
Ju 10.6: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
Ju 10.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
Ju 10.7: Rules of Courts
Ju 10.8: Federal Probation 1937-
Ju 10.9: Tables of Bankruptcy Statistics 1941-
Ju 10.10: Report of Proceedings of Regular Annual Meeting of Judicial Conference of the United States 1948-
Ju 10.10/2: Report of Proceedings of Special Session of Judicial Conference of the United States
Ju 10.11: Federal Offenders in the United States Courts 1964-
Ju 10.12: United States Courts, Pictoral Summary
Ju 10.13: Grand and Petit Juror Service in U.S. District Courts
Ju 10.14: Management Statistics for United States Courts
Ju 10.15: Directory of United States Probation and Pretrial Services Officers
Ju 10.16: Report on the Implementation to Title 1 and Title 2 of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974
Ju 10.17: United States Court Directory
Ju 10.18: United States District Courts Sentences Imposed Chart
Ju 10.19: Report on Applications for Orders Authorizing or Approving the Interception of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications, (Wiretap Report)
Ju 10.20: Telephone Directory
Ju 10.21: Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics
Ju 10.21/2: Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary
Ju 10.22: Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Courts
Ju 10.23: News and Views
Ju 10.24: Judges Information Series
Ju 11.2: General Publications
Ju 11.7: Reports of the Tax Court 1942-
Ju 11.7/2: Tax Court Memoranda
Ju 11.7/a2: Reports, Consolidated Pamphlets 1942-
Ju 11.8: Rules of Practice 1924-
Ju 11.8/2: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
Ju 13.1: Annual Reports
Ju 13.2: General Publications
Ju 13.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
Ju 13.8/2: Bench Comment, A Periodic Guide to Recent Appellate Treatment of Practical Procedural Issues
Ju 13.8/3: Guideline Sentencing Update
Ju 13.8/4: Habeas & Prison Litigation Case Law Update
Ju 13.9: Education and Training Series
Ju 13.9/2: Catalogue of Audiovisual Media Programs
Ju 13.9/3: Conections
Ju 13.10: Report FJC-R
Ju 13.10/2: Staff Papers, FJC-SP-
Ju 13.10/3: Report FJC-M-
Ju 13.10/4: FJC-SES
Ju 13.11: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
Ju 13.11/2: Catalog of Publications
Ju 13.12: Innovations in the Courts: Series on Court Administration
Ju 13.13: FJC Directions, A Publication of the Federal Judicial Center
Ju 13.13/2: State-Federal Judicial Observer
Ju 13.13/2-3: International Judicial Observer
Ju 13.14: Directories
Ju 13.15: The Court Historian
Ju 13.16: Long-Range Planning Series
Ju 13.17: Special Needs Offenders, Bulletin