FR 1.1: Annual Reports
FR 1.2: General Publications
FR 1.2/2: General Publications
FR 1.3: Federal Reserve Bulletin
FR 1.3/4: Federal Reserve Bulletin
FR 1.8/3: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
FR 1.11/4: Deposits, reserves, and Borrowings of Member Banks
FR 1.12: Digest of Rulings
FR 1.13 Federal Reserve Act, as Amended
FR 1.16: Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities
FR 1.17: Bank Debits, Deposits, and Deposit Turnover
FR 1.19/3: Industrial Production
FR 1.19: Business Indexes
FR 1.26: Finance Companies
FR 1.27: Postwar Economic Studies
FR 1.28/3: Assets and Liabilities of all Member Banks, by Districts
FR 1.30: Federal Reserve Chart Book on Financial and Business Statistics 1947-
FR 1.30/2: Historical Chart Books 1949-
FR 1.31/2: Summary of Equity Security Transactions and Ownership of Directors, Officers, And Principal Stockholders of Member State Banks As Reported Pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
FR 1.32/4: Interest Rates Charged on Selected Types of Bank Loans
FR 1.34/5: Finance Rate and Other Terms on New and UsedCar Installment Credit Contracts Purchased from Dealers of Major Auto Finance Companies
FR 1.34/7: Finance Rate and Other Terms on Selected Categories of Consumer Installment Credit Extended by Finance Companies
FR 1.36: Consumer Credit
FR 1.38: Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices
FR 1.43: Interdistrict Setetlement Fund
FR 1.44: Open-Market Money Rates and Bond Prices
FR 1.53: Colume and Composition of Individuals' Saving
FR 1.54/2: Maturity Distribution of Outstanding Negotiable Time Certificates of Deposit
FR 1.55: Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing, Quarterly Averages, Seasonally Adjusted
FR 1.56/2: Flow of Funds, Unadjusted
FR 1.56: Flow of Funds, Seasonally Adjusted and Unadjusted
FR 1.58: Special Studies Papers
FR 1.59: Annual Statistical Digest
FR 1.63/50: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data
FR 1.63/56: CRA/HMDA Reporter
FR 1.63/6: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data
FR 1.64: FRASER: Federal Reserve archival system for economic research