CR 1.1: Annual Reports 1959-
CR 1.2 General Publications
CR 1.6: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
CR 1.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
CR 1.6/3: Working with Your Schools
CR 1.8: Hearings and Conferences Before Commission on Civil Rights
CR 1.9: Bibliographies, Lists of Publications
CR 1.10: Clearinghouse Publications 1965-
CR 1.10:15 Civil Rights Directory
CR 1.11/2: Clearinghouse Publications: Urban Series
CR 1.11: Urban Studies
CR 1.12: New Perspectives 1968-
CR 1.14: School Desegregation in
CR 1.15: Civil Rights Update
CR 1.16: Telephone Directory
CR 1.17: Civil Rights Journal
CR 1.18: Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights