C 1.1: Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce
C 1.1/2: Semiannual Report of the Inspector General to Congress
C 1.1/2-2: Office of Inspector General, Audit and Inspection Plan
C 1.1/3: Annual Performance Report, Minority Business Development Agency
C 1.1/6: National Export Strategy
C 1.1/7: U.S. Government Working Group on Electronic Commerce
C 1.1/8: Budget and Annual Performance Plan of the U.S. Department of Commerce
C 1.2: General Publications
C 1.8/3: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 1.8/4: Federal Meteorological Handbooks 1968-
C 1.8: Rules and Regulations
C 1.14: National Committee on Wood Utilization Publications
C 1.17: Accident Prevention Conference, Publications
C 1.22: St. Lawrence Survey
C 1.24/2: Commerce News, Recent Commerce Publications 1979-
C 1.24/3: Commerce Publications Update
C 1.26: Export Control, Quarterly Reports
C 1.32/8: United States Department of Commerce News
C 1.37: Telephone Directory
C 1.37/2: Mega-Marketplace East, Directory of Women Business Owners
C 1.37/3: Directory of Women Business Owners, Megamarketplace East/West
C 1.39: Commerce Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year
C 1.50: Overseas Business Reports, OBR- 1964-
C 1.53/2: Annual Report
C 1.54: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 1.54/2: Catalog and Index, U.S. Department of Commerce Publications 1972-
C 1.54/2-2: Publications Catalog of the U.S. Department of Commerce
C 1.56: Directory of Private Programs for Minority Business Enterprise
C 1.57/3: National Roster of Minority Professional Consulting Services
C 1.57/4: Access 1973-
C 1.58: Commerce Today
C 1.58/2: Commerce America 1976-
C 1.58/4: Business America
C 1.60: Telecommunications Research and Engineering Reports. OT/ITSRR
C 1.60/2: OT Special Publication
C 1.60/3: Reports, OTR-
C 1.60/4: Bulletins, OTB-
C 1.60/7: OT Contractor Reports
C 1.60/8: OT Technical Memorandums
C 1.61: Interagency Auditor Training Center Bulletin
C 1.66: Interagency Task Force on Product Liability: Publications
C 1.66/2: Interagency Task Force on Product Liability: Publications
C 1.69: Statistical Reporter
C 1.70: Statistical Policy Working Papers
C 1.71: National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation: Annual Report 1977-
C 1.72: Footwear Industry Revitalization Program, Annual Progress Report
C 1.73: Technical Papers 1979-
C 1.74: Franchising in the Economy
C 1.75: Federal Statistical Directory 1955-
C 1.76: Commerce Business Daily
C 1.76/2: CBDNET Commerce Business Daily (Net)
C 1.77: Integrated Resources and Services for [various subjects]
C 1.78: Commerce, Journal of Minority Business 1981-
C 1.79: Minority Business Today
C 1.80: Next Generation Weather Radar
C 1.81: Studies in the Economics of Production
C 1.82: Small Business Innovation Research for Fiscal Year
C 1.84: U.S. Automobile Industry
C 1.85: National Association of Women Business Owners, Membership Roster
C 1.87: State Statistical and Economic Abstract Series
C 1.88: National Trade Data Bank
C 1.88/2: National Economic, Social, & Environmental Data Bank
C 1.88/3: USA Trade
C 1.88/4: USA Trade Online
C 1.89: Electronic Products
C 1.90: Japanese Technical Literature Bulletin
C 1.91: STAT-USA
C 1.91/2: Stat-USA: The Newsletter
C 1.93: Research Series (OIMA)
C 1.94: Pacesetter
C 1.95: Recent Trends in Federal Lab Technology Transfer
C 1.96: Emerging Digital Economy
C 1.102: General Publications
C 1.108: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 1.108/2: Franchise Opportunities Handbook
C 1.112: Posters
C 1.115: Annual Business Assistance Report, Fiscal Year
C 1.202: General Publications
C 1.208/2: National Medal of Technology, Nomination Guidelines
C 1.215: Dynamics of Technology-Based Economic Development: State Science and Technology Indicators
C 3.2: General Publications
C 3.2/2: Kids Count Data Book
C 3.3: Bulletins 1903-
C 3.5: Special Reports 1900-1913
C 3.6: Regulations, Rules and Instructions
C 3.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 3.6/2-2: CPS Interviewer Memorandum
C 3.8/1: Phillipine Islands Census, 1903 Reports
C 3.10: Official Register of the United States 1907-1932
C 3.11: Heads of Families at First Census, 1790
C 3.15: Abstracts, 13th Census, 1910, with Supplements only for Individual States (by state)
C 3.16: Census Reports (Final Volumes) 13th Census 1910
C 3.20: Report on Cotton Ginnings by States
C 3.20/2: Cotton Ginned
C 3.20/3: Report on Cotton Ginnings by Counties
C 3.23: Special Census, 1923, High Point, N.C.; Virgin Islands 1917
C 3.24: Biennial Census of Manufactures 1923-
C 3.24/1: Biennial Census of Manufactures
C 3.24/2: Census of Manufactures: General Publications
C 3.24/3- Census of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series
C 3.24/3: Geographic Area (by States)
C 3.24/4: Census of Manufactures, Preliminary Report: Industry Series
C 3.24/5: Press Summaries
C 3.24/8: Census of Manufactures, Preliminary Reports
C 3.24/8-5: Census of Manufacturers, Preliminary Report, Summary Series
C 3.24/9: Annual Survey of Manufactures Series
C 3.24/9-2: Annual Survey of Manufactures 1949/50-
C 3.24/9-6: Value of Product Shipments
C 3.24/9-7: Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries
C 3.24/9-8: Expenditures for Plant and Equipment, Book Value of Fixed Assets, Rental Payments for Buildings and Equipment, Depreciation and Retirements
C 3.24/9-9: Geographic Area Statistics
C 3.24/9-10: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Origin of Manufactured Products
C 3.24/9-11: Annual Survey of Manufactures, Value of Manufacturers' Inventories
C 3.24/9-12: Manufacturing: Analytical Report Series
C 3.24/11: Census of Manufactures, 1810-
C 3.24/12: Subject Bulletin MC
C 3.24/15: Census of Manufactures: Supplementary Reports
C 3.26: Birth, Still-Birth and Infant Mortality Statistics, Annual Report
C 3.26/7: Abstract of the fourteenth census of the United States, 1920?
C 3.28/5: Final Reports
C 3.28/15: Bulletins, Manufactures (by Industries)
C 3.30: Census Monographs
C 3.31/4: Census of Agriculture 1840-
C 3.31/5: Special Reports
C 3.31/7: Preliminary Reports, Series AC
C 3.31/9: General Reports
C 3.31/12: Final Volumes
C 3.31/2: State Bulletins
C 3.32: Report on Cotton Ginnings 1922-
C 3.35: Census of Religious Bodies
C 3.37/5: Final Volumes
C 3.37/14: Agriculture, 3d, Series (by States)
C 3.37/15: 15th Census, 1930: Agriculture (Miscellaneous Publications)
C 3.37/18: Census of Distribution, Merchandising Series
C 3.37/23: Census of Distribution, Wholesale Trade Bulletins, State Series
C 3.37/26: Manufactures, Industry Series
C 3.37/28: Manufactures, State Series
C 3.37/34: Census of Distribution, Distribution of Agricultural Commodities
C 3.37/35: Census of Distribution, Wholesale Distribution, Trade Series
C 3.37/38: Census of Distribution, Small City and Rural Trade Series
C 3.37/39: Census of Distribution, Retail Distribution Trade Series
C 3.37/40: Census of Distribution, Retail Distribution, Special Series
C 3.38: Census of Electrical Industries
C 3.40: Mortality Statistics
C 3.41: Weekly Health Index
C 3.46: Marriage and Divorce Annual Reports
C 3.47: Financial Statistics of Cities Having a Population of Over 30,000
C 3.47/2: Financial Statistics of Cities Having a Population of Over 100,000
C 3.48: Financial Statistics of States
C 3.49/2: Financial Statistics of State and Local Government
C 3.50: Digest of State Laws Relating to Taxation and Revenue
C 3.54: Physician's Pocket Reference to International List of Causes of Death
C 3.55: Manufacture and Sale of Farm Equipment and Related Products
C 3.56: Animal and vegetable fats and oils
C 3.59: Mental Patients in State Hospitals
C 3.59/2: Patients in Hospitals for Mental Disease
C 3.60: Mental Defectives and Epileptics in State Institutions
C 3.62/2: Maps, Includes U.S. Outline Maps
C 3.62/4: GE-50 United States Maps
C 3.62/5: Congressional District Atlas
C 3.62/6: County Subdivision Maps 1930-
C 3.62/7: Urban Atlas, Tract Data for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, GE 80-
C 3.62/8: GE-70 Map Series 1973-
C 3.62/10: United States Maps
C 3.67: Vital Statistics, Special Reports
C 3.105/1: Railroad locomotives
C 3.120/1: Census of Business, 1935, Final Reports
C 3.120/2: Census Survey of Business, 1937 - 38
C 3.120/3: Census of business: 1935. Wholesale distribution. Preliminary United States summary.
C 3.120: Census of Business
C 3.127: Monthly Vital Statistics Bulletins
C 3.128: Weekly Accident Bulletins
C 3.128/3: Summary of Motor Vehicle Accident Fatalities
C 3.132: Addresses
C 3.133: Current Business Reports: Monthly Wholesale Trade
C 3.133/2: Monthly Wholesale Trade, Sales and Inventories
C 3.133/3: Wholesale Trade, Annual Sales and Year-End Inventories of Merchant Wholesalers
C 3.133/4: Combined Annual and Revised Monthly Wholesale Trade
C 3.133/5: Annual Benchmark Report for Wholesale Trade
C 3.134: Statistical Abstract of the United States 1879-
C 3.134/A: Metropolitan Area Statistics
C 3.134/2: Supplements to Statistical Abstract of United States
C 3.134/2:C 83/2 County and City Data Book
C 3.134/2:H 62 Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970
C 3.134/2-1: County and City Data Book
C 3.134/2-2: USA Statistics in Brief
C 3.134/3: Pocket Data Book, USA
C 3.134/4: Congressional District Data, CDD-
C 3.134/5: State and Metropolitan Area Data Book
C 3.134/5-2: State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, A Statistical Supplement
C 3.134/6: USA Counties, A Statistical Abstract Supplement
C 3.134/7: Statistical Abstract of the United States
C 3.138/3: Monthly Retail Trade Report
C 3.138/3-2: Annual Retail Trade Report
C 3.138/3-3: Revised Monthly Retail Sales in Inventories
C 3.138/3-4: Current Business Reports, Service Annual Survey
C 3.138/3-5: Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing Survey
C 3.138/3-6: Current Business Reports: Annual Survey of Communication Services
C 3.138/3-7: Combined Annual and Revised Monthly Retail Trade
C 3.138/3-8: Annual Benchmark Report for Retail Trade
C 3.138/4: Advance Monthly Retail Sales Report
C 3.138/5: Weekly Retail Sales Report
C 3.139: Vital Statistics of the United States
C 3.140: State and Local Government Quarterly Employment Survey
C 3.140/2: Government Employment GE
C 3.140/2-3: City Employment in
C 3.140/2-4: Public Employment in
C 3.140/2-5: County Government Employment
C 3.140/2-6: Local Government Employment in Major County Areas
C 3.141: Financial Statistics of States 1938-
C 3.142: Financial Statistics of Cities 1938-
C 3.145: State and Local Government Special Studies 1936-
C 3.145/4: Census of Governments
C 3.145/5: Census of Governments Preliminary Reports
C 3.145/6: Quarterly Summary of Federal, State, and Local Tax Revenue 1963-
C 3.147: Quarterly Summary of Foreign Commerce of the United States 1866-
C 3.150: Schedules (A-W)
C 3.150/4: United States Import Duties Annotated
C 3.150/6: U.S. Imports for Consumption & General Imports, Tariff Schedules Annotated by Country
C 3.153: Elections
C 3.158: Current Industrial Reports
C 3.158/2-3: Current industrial reports. Benchmark report for manufacturers' shipments, inventories, and orders
C 3.158/8: Current industrial reports. Fats and oils production, consumption, and stocks
C 3.158/8-2: Current industrial reports. Fats and oils production, consumption and stocks summary
C 3.158/9: Current industrial reports. Confectionery products
C 3.158/10: Current industrial reports. Flour milling
C 3.158/10-2: Current industrial reports. Flour milling, summary
C 3.158/11: Current industrial reports. Consumption on the cotton system and stocks
C 3.158/11-2: Current industrial reports. Consumption on the cotton system and stocks, summary
C 3.158/12: Current industrial reports. Yarn production
C 3.158/14: Current industrial reports. Broadwoven fabrics (gray)
C 3.158/14-2: Current industrial reports. Broadwoven fabrics (gray), summary
C 3.158/15: Current industrial reports. Consumption on the woolen system and worsted combing
C 3.158/15-2: Current industrial reports. Consumption on the woolen system and worsted combing, summary
C 3.158/16: Current industrial reports. Carpet and rugs
C 3.158/17: Current industrial reports. Bed and bath furnishings
C 3.158/17-2: Current industrial reports. Bed and bath furnishings, summary
C 3.158/2: Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers' Shipments and Orders
C 3.158/21: Current industrial reports. Footwear production by manufacturers' selling price
C 3.158/3: Current Industrial Reports: Manufacturing Technology
C 3.158/4: Current Industrial Reports, Manufacturing profiles
C 3.158/48: Current industrial reports. Selected air pollution control equipment
C 3.158/49: Current industrial reports. Mining machinery and mineral processing equipment
C 3.158/50: Current industrial reports. Construction machinery
C 3.158/51: Current industrial reports. Farm machinery and lawn and garden equipment
C 3.158/52: Current industrial reports. Fluid power products, including aerospace
C 3.158/53: Current industrial reports. Pumps and compressors
C 3.158/54: Current industrial reports. Vending machines, coin operated
C 3.158/55: Current industrial reports. Metalworking machinery
C 3.158/55-2: Current industrial reports. Metalworking machinery, summary
C 3.158/56: Current industrial reports. Selected instruments and related products
C 3.158/57: Current industrial reports. Consumer electronics
C 3.158/58: Current industrial reports. Major household appliances
C 3.158/59: Current industrial reports. Electric housewares and fans
C 3.158/60: Current industrial reports. Switchgear, switchboard apparatus, relays, industrial control
C 3.158/61: Current industrial reports. Electromedical and irradiation equipment
C 3.158/62: Current industrial reports. Computers and office and accounting machines
C 3.158/63: Current industrial reports. Semiconductors, printed circuit boards, other electronic components
C 3.158/64: Current industrial reports. Communication equipment
C 3.158/65: Current industrial reports. Civil aircraft and aircraft engines
C 3.158/65-2: Current industrial reports. M336G, Civil aircraft and aircraft engines, summary
C 3.158/66: Current industrial reports. Fluorescent lamp ballasts
C 3.158/66-2: Current industrial reports. Fluorescent lamp ballasts, summary
C 3.158/67: Current industrial reports. Electric lighting fixtures
C 3.158/68: Current industrial reports. Wiring devices and supplies
C 3.158/69: Current industrial reports. Insulated wire and cable
C 3.158/70: Current industrial reports. Motors and generators
C 3.158/71: Current industrial reports. Truck trailers, summary
C 3.159: Foreign Commerce and Navigation of United States
C 3.163/5: Foreign Social Science Bibliographies
C 3.163/2: Census Publications, List of Publications Issued
C 3.163/3: Census Catalog and Guide 1946-
C 3.163/4: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 3.163/6: Data Finders
C 3.163/7: Monthly Product Announcement
C 3.163/7-2: Census Product Update
C 3.163/8: Product Primers
C 3.163/9: College Curriculum Support Project Update
C 3.164: Foreign Trade Reports
C 3.164:135 U.S. General Imports and Imports for Consumption, Schedule A Commodity and Country
C 3.164:150 U.S. General Imports Schedule A Commodity Groupings, Geographic Area, Country, and Method of Transportation
C 3.164:155 U.S. General Imports, World Area and Country of Origin by Schedule A Commodity Groupings
C 3.164:210 U.S. Imports for Consumption and General Imports, SIC-based Products and Area 1964-
C 3.164:246 U.S. Imports for Consumption and General imports TSUSA commodity by country
C 3.164:247 U.S. Imports for Consumption, Harmonized TSUSA Commodity by Country of Origin, FT 247
C 3.164:446 U.S. Export, Schedule B, Commodity by Country
C 3.164:447 U.S. Exports, Harmonized Schedule B Commodity by Country, FT-447
C 3.164:450 U.S. Exports, Schedules B Commodity Groupings, Geographic Area, Country, And Method of Transportation 1967-
C 3.164:455 U.S. Exports, World Area by Schedule E Commodity Groupings
C 3.164:610 U.S. Exports of Domestic Merchandise, SIC-Based Products and Area
C 3.164:800 United States Trade with Puerto Rico and with United States Possessions
C 3.164:810 United States Foreign Trade- Bunker Oil and Coal Laden in the United States on Vessels
C 3.164:895 U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions, FT-895
C 3.164:900 U.S. Merchandise Trade: Seasonally Adjusted Exports, Imports, and Trade Balance, FT- 900
C 3.164:920 U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights, FT-920
C 3.164:925 U.S. Merchandise Trade: Exports, General Imports, and Imports for Consumption
C 3.167: Foreign Trade Statistics Notes
C 3.186: Current Population Reports 1947-
C 3.186/2: Money Income of Households, Families, and Persons in the United States
C 3.186/3: Voting and Registration in the Election of November
C 3.186/3-2: Voting and Registration in the Election of
C 3.186/4: Child Support and Alimony, Current Population Reports
C 3.186/5: After-Tax Money Income Estimates of Households, Current Population Reports
C 3.186/6: Marital Status and Living Arrangements
C 3.186/7: Estimates of the Population of the United States to
C 3.186/7-2: Estimates of the Population of the United States, by Age, Sex, and Race
C 3.186/7-3: Estimates of the Population of the United States and Components of Change
C 3.186/8: Population Profile of the United States, Current Population Reports
C 3.186/9: Households, Families, Marital Status, and Living Arrangements, Advance Report
C 3.186/10: Fertility of American Women, Current Population Reports
C 3.186/11: Money Income and Poverty Status of Families and Persons in the United States
C 3.186/12: School Enrollment- Social and Economic Characteristics of Students
C 3.186/13: Characteristics of Households and Persons Receiving Selected Noncash Benefits
C 3.186/14: Hispanic Population in the United States, Advance Report
C 3.186/14-2: The Hispanic Population in the United States
C 3.186/15: Projections of the Number of Households and Families
C 3.186/16: Characteristics of the Population below the Poverty Level
C 3.186/17: Household and Family Characteristics
C 3.186/17-2: America's Families and Living Arrangements
C 3.186/18: Geographical Mobility
C 3.186/19: Estimates of the Population of Puerto Rico and the the Outlying Areas
C 3.186/20: Provisional Estimates of the Population of Counties
C 3.186/20-2: Current Population Reports, Local Population Estimates, County Population Estimates
C 3.186/21: State Population and Household Estimates, with Age, Sex, and Components of Change
C 3.186/22: Poverty in the United States
C 3.186/23: Educational Attainment in the United States
C 3.186/25: Residents of Farms and Rural Areas
C 3.186/26: Projections of Population of Voting Age, for States
C 3.186/27: Northeast, Population and Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties and Incorporated Places
C 3.186/27-2: West, Population and Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties and Incorporated Places
C 3.186/27-3: West North Central, Population and Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties and Incorporated Places
C 3.186/27-4: East North Central, Population and Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties and Incorporated Places
C 3.186/27-5: South, Population and Per Capita Income Estimates for Counties and Incorporated Places
C 3.186/28: The Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the U.S.
C 3.186/33: How We're Changing: Demographic State of the Nation
C 3.186/41: Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States
C 3.186:P-20 Population Characteristics 1947-
C 3.186:P-23 Special Studies 1954-
C 3.186:P-25 Population Estimates and Projection 1947-
C 3.186:P-26 Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates 1969-
C 3.186:P-27 Farm Population of the United States
C 3.186:P-28 Special Census of (city or area)
C 3.186:P-57 Labor Force
C 3.186:P-60 Consumer Income 1948-
C 3.186:P-65 Consumer Buying Indicators 1963-
C 3.186:P-70/2 Household Economic Studies
C 3.186:P-95 International Population Reports 1957-
C 3.191: Governmental Finances in the United States
C 3.191/2: Governmental Finances 1965-
C 3.191/2-2: Finances of Employee-Retirement Systems of State and Local Governments
C 3.191/2-3: State Government Finances
C 3.191/2-4: Governmental Finances in
C 3.191/2-5: City Government Finances in
C 3.191/2-6: Finances of Public School Systems in
C 3.191/2-7: County Government Finances
C 3.191/2-8: State Government Tax Collections
C 3.191/2-9: Local Government Finances in Major County Areas
C 3.191/2-10: Government Finances: Public Education Finances
C 3.191/3: Governmental Finances and Employment at a Glance
C 3.196: Gold and Silver Movements: United States
C 3.196/3: Summary of U.S. Exports and Imports of Gold and Silver, Calendar Year
C 3.199: Publications of Foreign Countries, Annotated Accession List
C 3.202/5: Final Volumes
C 3.204: County Business Patterns 1943-
C 3.204/3- County Business Patterns, United States
C 3.204/4: County Business Patterns
C 3.204/5: County Business Patterns
C 3.204/6: MSA Business Patterns (NAICS)
C 3.205/3: ISPO (International Statistical Program Office)
C 3.205/6: International Research Documents, ISP-RD-
C 3.205/8: Statistical Brief from the Bureau of the Census
C 3.205/8-2: Census 2000 Brief
C 3.205/8-3: Census Special Reports
C 3.205/9: Bureau of the Census, International Brief
C 3.205: P-90 International Population Statistics Reports
C 3.208: GE-10 Geographic Reports
C 3.208/2: GE-20 Area Measurement Reports
C 3.211/2: United States Waterborne Foreign Commerce, A Review of (year)
C 3.211/5: Monthly Department Store Sales in Selected Areas 1966-Jan. 1981
C 3.212: Technical Papers
C 3.214: Working Papers 1954-
C 3.215: Housing and Construction Reports
C 3.215/2: Housing Starts in
C 3.215/3: Construction Reports: Value of Construction Put in Place, C30-
C 3.215/4: Current Construction Reports, Housing Units Authorized by Building Permits
C 3.215/5: Authorized Construction - Washington, D.C. Area. C 41-
C 3.215/6: Construction Reports: Building Permits: C 42-
C 3.215/8: Part 1- Expenditures on Residential Additions, Alterations, Maintenance and Repairs, and Replacements 1961- Part 2- Expenditures for Additions, Alterations, Maintenance and Repairs, and Replacements on 1-Housing-Unit-Owner-Occupied Properties 1963-
C 3.215/8-2: Current Construction Reports, Special Studies, Expenditures for Nonresidential Improvements and Repairs
C 3.215/9: Construction Reports, New One-Family Houses Sold and for Sale
C 3.215/9-2: Construction Reports: Price Index of New One-Family Houses Sold, C27
C 3.215/9-3: Characteristics of New Housing
C 3.215/10: Construction Expenditure of State and local Tax Revenue
C 3.215/12: Construction Reports: Permits Issued for Demolition of Presidential Structures in Selected Cities
C 3.215/13: Construction Reports: Housing Completions, C22-
C 3.215/15: Current Construction Reports: New Residential Construction in Selected Metropolitan Areas, C21-
C 3.215/16: Annual Housing Survey, Supplementary Report, No.1, Summary of Housing Characteristics for Selected Metropolitan Areas
C 3.215/17- Annual Housing Survey: Housing Characteristics for Selected Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
C 3.215/18-3: Annual Housing Survey: Energy-Related Housing Characteristics
C 3.215/19: American Housing Survey
C 3.215/19-2: Construction Reports: Price Index of New One-Family Houses Sold
C 3.215/20: American Housing Brief from the American Housing Survey
C 3.216: Census of Mineral Industries: Bulletins MI-
C 3.216/2: State Bulletin MI-
C 3.216/3: Preliminary Reports
C 3.216/4: Subject Bulletin MI-
C 3.216/5: Final Volumes
C 3.216/7: Summary Series
C 3.223: Census of Population: General Publications
C 3.223/5: U.S. Census of Population: Number of Inhabitants
C 3.223/6: Census of Population: General Population Characteristics, PC 80-1-B
C 3.223/7: Census of Population: General Social and Economic Characteristics, PC 1-C
C 3.223/7-2: Census of Population: Social and Economic Characteristics for American Indian and Alaska Native Areas
C 3.223/7-3: Census of Population: Social and Economic Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas
C 3.223/7-4: Census of Population: Social and Economic Characteristics of Urbanized Areas
C 3.223/7-5: 1990 Census Profile
C 3.223/7-6: Census 2000 Profile
C 3.223/8: Census of Population Detailed Characteristics PC 80-1-D
C 3.223/9: Census of Population Characteristics of the Population Bound Volumes
C 3.223/10: Census of Population: Subject Reports, PC 80-2
C 3.223/11: Census of Population and Housing, Census Tract Reports, PHC 80-2
C 3.223/11-2: Census of Population and Housing: Finders Guide to Census Tract Reports
C 3.223/12: Census of Population PC 80-S1 1970-
C 3.223/13: United States Censuses of Population and Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme
C 3.223/16: Evaluation and Research Reports ER PHC 80-E
C 3.223/17: Employment Profiles for Selected Low-Income Areas, PHC-1
C 3.223/18: Census of Population and Housing: Preliminary Reports PHC 80-P
C 3.223/19: Census of Population and Housing: Advance Reports PHC 80-V
C 3.223/20: Census of Population and Housing: Congessional Districts of the 98th Congress PHC 80-4
C 3.223/21: Census of Population and Housing: Provisional Estimates of Social Economic and Housing Characteristics, PHC 80-S 1-1
C 3.223/21-2: Census of Population and Housing: Advance Estimates of Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, Supplementary Reports PHC-A2-
C 3.223/22:80-R 1 Census of Population and Housing: Users Guide PHC 80-R 1
C 3.223/22:80-R 2 Census of Population and Housing: History, PHC 80-R 2
C 3.223/22:80-R 3 Census of Population and Housing: Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations PHC 80-R 3
C 3.223/22:80-R 4 Census of Population and Housing: Classified Index of Industries and Occupations PHC 80-R 4
C 3.223/22:80-R 5 Census of Population and Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme, PHC 80-R 5
C 3.223/22:90-R 3 Census of Population and Housing: Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations, Series CPH-90-R 3
C 3.223/22:90-R 4 Census of Population and Housing: Classified Index of Industries and Occupations, Series CPH-90-R 4
C 3.223/22:90-R 5 Census of Population and Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme, Series CPH- 90-R 5
C 3.223/23: Census of Population and Housing: Summary Characteristics for Governmental Units and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, PHC 80-3
C 3.223/23-2: Census of Population and Housing: Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics (outlying areas)
C 3.223/23-3: Census of Population and Housing: Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics, Selected Appendixes
C 3.223/24: Census of Population and Housing Tabulation and Publication Program for Puerto Rico
C 3.223/25: Population Paper Listings
C 3.223/25-2: Older Population in the U.S.
C 3.223/27: Population Division Working Paper Series Technical Working Papers
C 3.223/28: Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives: By Tribe and Language
C 3.223/29: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1790)
C 3.223/29-3: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1810)
C 3.223/29-4: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1820)
C 3.223/29-5: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1830)
C 3.223/29-6: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1840)
C 3.223/29-7: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1850)
C 3.223/29-8: Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census: 1860)
C 3.224/3:90-CH-1- Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics
C 3.224/3-2: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for American Indian and Alaska Native Areas
C 3.224/3-3: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas
C 3.224/3-4: Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas
C 3.224/3-6: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas
C 3.224/3-7: Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas
C 3.224/3-8: 1990 Housing Highlights
C 3.224/4: Census of Housing: Metropolitan Housing HC 80-2
C 3.224/4-2: Census of Housing: Metropolitan Housing Characteristics, CH-3-1
C 3.224/5: Census of Population and Housing: Block Statistics PHC 80-1
C 3.224/6: Census of Housing: Components of Inventory Change HC 80-4
C 3.224/7: Census of Housing Residential Finance HC 80-5
C 3.224/8: Census of Housing: Supplementary Report HC 80-SI-1
C 3.224/10: Census of Housing, Subject Reports HC 80-3
C 3.224/11: 1990 Census of Population and Housing Content Determination Reports
C 3.224/12: Current Population Survey
C 3.224/12-2: Income and Poverty, Current Population Survey
C 3.224/13: 1990 Census of Housing, Residential Finance, CH-4-1
C 3.227/2: GE-40 Census Tract Papers
C 3.227: Census Tract Memos
C 3.229: ES 2 U.S. Commodity Exports and Imports Related to Output 1968&57-
C 3.230: ES 3 Enterprise Statistics 1963-
C 3.231: Manufactures, Shipments, Inventories, and Orders, Series M 3-1
C 3.233/3: Census of Transportation 1963-
C 3.233/5: Final Reports
C 3.233/6: Truck Inventory and Use Survey
C 3.233/19: Advance Reports
C 3.236: Green Coffee Inventories and Roastings
C 3.238: Census and You
C 3.238/2: Small-Area Statistics Papers, Series GE 41-
C 3.238/3: Census Update, Supplement to Data User News
C 3.238/4: National Clearinghouse for Census Data Services Address List
C 3.238/5: Telephone Contacts for Data Users
C 3.238/6: Product/Activity Status Bulletin
C 3.238/7: Data Developments
C 3.238/a: Data User News
C 3.240/7: Data Access Description
C 3.242: Finances of Selected Public Employee Retirement Systems, GR- 1968-
C 3.244: Census Use Study Reports
C 3.245/3: Census of Construction Industries: Final Reports 1967-
C 3.245/4: Census of Construction Industries: Final Volumes
C 3.245/5: Census of Construction Industries: Special Reports
C 3.245/6: Census of Construction Industries: Preliminary Industry Statistics CC
C 3.245/7: Census of Construction Industries: Geographic Area Studies
C 3.245/8: Census of Construction Industries, Subject Series
C 3.246: Computerized Geographic Coding Series GE 60-1-
C 3.249: GBF/Dime Systems
C 3.249/2: Geographic Base (Dime) File, CUE
C 3.250: Woman Owned Businesses, WB-
C 3.252: Factfinder for the Nation, CFF-
C 3.253: Economic Censuses: Reference Series
C 3.253/2: Economic Censuses of Outlying Areas, OAC
C 3.253/3: History of the Economic Censuses
C 3.254: Foreign-Owned U.S. Firms FOF 1979-
C 3.255/2: Census of Retail Trade: Geographic Area Statistics
C 3.255/2-2: Census of Retail Trade: Geographic Area Statistics, Advance Reports
C 3.255/3: Census of Retail Trade: Subject Reports
C 3.255/3-2: Census of Retail Trade: Preliminary Report Industry Series
C 3.255/3-3: Census of Retail Trade: Industry Series
C 3.255/4: Census of Retail Trade: Retail Mercandise Lines Service
C 3.255/5: Census of Retail Trade: Major Retail Centers Statistics
C 3.255/6: Census of Retail Trade: Final Volumes
C 3.255/7: Census of Retail Trade: Nonemployer Statistics Series
C 3.256/2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Geographic Area Series
C 3.256/3: Census of Wholesale Trade: Subject Series
C 3.256/3-2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Preliminary Report Industry Series
C 3.256/4: Census of Wholesale Trade: Final Reports
C 3.256/5: Census of Wholesale Trade: Wholesale Commodity Line Sales
C 3.256/6: Census of Wholesale Trade: Industry Series WC
C 3.256/7-2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Geographic Area Series (various states)
C 3.257: Census of Service Industries: General Publications
C 3.257/2: Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area Series
C 3.257/3: Census of Service Industries: Subject Series
C 3.257/3-2: Census of Service Industries: Advance Subject Reports
C 3.257/3-3: Census of Service Industries: Preliminary Report Industry Series
C 3.257/3-4: Census of Service Industries: Industry Series
C 3.257/4: Census of Service Industries: Final Reports
C 3.257/5: Census of Service Industries: Nonemployer Statistics Series
C 3.258: Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises, MB
C 3.259: Economic Research Reports
C 3.260: Boundary and Annexation Survey
C 3.261: Special Demographic Analyses, CDS-
C 3.262: Directory of Data Files
C 3.264: Foreign Economic Reports
C 3.266: Federal Expenditures by State for Fiscal Year
C 3.266/2: Consolidated Federal Funds Report
C 3.266/3: Consolidated Federal Funds Reports, CD-CFFR
C 3.267: Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining and Trade Corporations 1947-
C 3.268: Special Publication, P10/PoP
C 3.269: Trade and Employment
C 3.271: 1990 Planning Conference Series
C 3.275: Electronic Products
C 3.276: Consumer Spending Update
C 3.277: Economic and Agriculture Censuses
C 3.277/2: 1997 Economic Census
C 3.277/3: Company Statistics Series (Economic Census)
C 3.278: Foreign Trade Data
C 3.278/2: U.S. Imports of Merchandise
C 3.278/3: U.S. Exports of Merchandise
C 3.279: Tiger/Line Files - 1990 Census Version
C 3.279/2: Tiger/Census Tract Street Index, Version 2
C 3.279/3: Tiger/Line Redistricting Census
C 3.280: Tiger/Line Precensus Files
C 3.281: Census of Population and Housing, Public Law 94-171 Data
C 3.281/2: 1990 Census of Population and Housing Special Tabulation on Aging
C 3.282: Summary Tape Files: STF 1
C 3.282/2: Summary Tape Files: STF 3
C 3.282/2-2: Summary Tape Files - STF4
C 3.282/2-3: Summary File 2
C 3.282/3: Census of Population and Housing Block Statistics
C 3.282/4: Congressional Districts of the United States, Summary Tape Files
C 3.283: Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File
C 3.284: County-to-County Migration File
C 3.285: Public Use Microdata Files
C 3.286: Subject Reports
C 3.287: Product Profile
C 3.288: Population Trends
C 3.289: Annual Capital Expenditures
C 3.291: Census of Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries
C 3.292: Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities
C 3.293: ASA/NSF/Census Bureau Research Fellow Program
C 3.294: Zip Code Business Patterns
C 3.294/2: Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS)
C 3.294/2-2: Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS), Annual Statistics
C 3.295: Census Bureau News Releases
C 3.297: American Community Survey
C 3.298: Zip Code Business Patterns
C 3.299: International Programs Center Staff Paper
C 3.300: American FactFinder
C 3.301: Landview IV/The Federal Geographic Data
C 3.1997/21: 1997 Economic Census. Mining
C 3.1997/22: 1997 Economic Census. Utilities
C 3.1997/23: 1997 Economic Census. Construction
C 3.1997/31: 1997 Economic Census. Manufacturing
C 3.1997/42: 1997 Economic Census. Wholesale Trade
C 3.1997/44: 1997 Economic Census. Retail trade
C 3.1997/48: 1997 Economic Census. Transportation and Warehousing
C 3.1997/51: 1997 Economic Census. Information
C 3.1997/52: 1997 Economic Census. Finance and Insurance
C 3.1997/53: 1997 Economic Census. Real Estate and Rental and Leasing
C 3.1997/54: 1997 Economic Census. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
C 3.1997/55: 1997 Economic Census. Management of Companies and Enterprises
C 3.1997/56: 1997 Economic Census. Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
C 3.1997/61: 1997 Economic Census. Educational Services
C 3.1997/62: 1997 Economic Census. Health Care and Social Assistance
C 3.1997/71: 1997 Economic Census. Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
C 3.1997/72: 1997 Economic Census. Accommodation and Foodservices
C 3.1997/81: 1997 Economic Census. Other Services (Except Public Administration)
C 3.1997/95: 1997 Economic Census. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
C 3.940-2: Sixteenth census of the United States: 1940
C 3.940-5: Final Volumes
C 3.950-10: Procedural Studies of 1950 Censuses
C 3.950-7/2: Census Tracts
C 3.950-7/3: General Characteristics (by states)
C 3.950-7/4: Detail Characteristics (by states), 1950 Population Census Report P-C (series)
C 3.950-7/5: Final Volumes
C 3.950-7/6: Special Reports, P-E (series)
C 3.950-8/2: General Characteristics (by states) Report H-A (series)
C 3.950-8/3: Nonfarm Housing Characteristics (of Standard Metropolitan Areas), 1950 Housing Census Report H-B (series)
C 3.950-8/5: Census of Housing, 1950
C 3.950-8: United States Census of Population, 1950: Block Statistics Reports
C 3.950-9: United States Census of Agriculture, 1950
C 4.1: Annual Report of the Director
C 4.2: General Publications
C 4.15/2: Tide Tables, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
C 4.15/3: Tide Tables, Atlantic Ocean
C 4.15/4: East Coast of North and South America (including Greenland)
C 4.15/6: Central and Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
C 4.15/7: Europe and West Coast of Africa (including Mediterranean Sea)
C 4.18/5: Coast and Geodetic Survey Suboffice, Manila, U.S. Coast Pilot, Philippine Islands
C 4.19/2: Publications 1957-
C 4.19: Special Publications
C 4.21: Digest of Geodetic Publications Tidal Current Tables
C 4.22: Atlantic Coast of North America
C 4.25/2: United States Earthquakes 1928-
C 4.36/2-2: Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, Monthly Listing
C 4.41/2: Technical Bulletins 1958-
C 4.54: Earthquake Information Bulletin
C 6.3: Bulletins
C 9.2: General Publications
C 13.1: Annual Report
C 13.1/12-10: CSTL technical activities
C 13.1/12-2: Programs, Activities, and Accomplishments
C 13.1/12-9: Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory Annual Report
C 13.1/13: Accomplishments and Opportunities (NIST Center for Neutron Research)
C 13.1/7: Polymer Science and Standards Division, Annual Report
C 13.2: General Publications
C 13.3: Bulletins
C 13.3/4: Time and Frequency Bulletin
C 13.4: Circulars
C 13.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 13.8: Technologic Papers
C 13.10: Special Publications
C 13.10:250- Calibration and Test Services of the National Bureau of Standards
C 13.10:260- Standard Reference Materials 1951-
C 13.10:305/ Publications of the National Bureau of Standards
C 13.10:315- Bibliography on the High Temperature Chemistry and Physics of Materials
C 13.10:400- Semiconductor Measurement Technology. Quarterly Report
C 13.10:440 Color Universal Language and Dictionary of Names
C 13.10:480-20 Directory of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Associations and Research Centers 1978
C 13.10:483 Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 1977
C 13.10:500-42 Guide to Computer Program Directories 1977
C 13.10:739/ Directory of Federal Government Certification and Related Programs 1998
C 13.10:800- Computer Security - Guide
C 13.10:950- Advanced Technology Program Performance of Completed Projects
C 13.10/3: Report of the National Conference on Weights and Measures
C 13.10/3-2: NIST Conference Calendar
C 13.10/3-3: NCWM Publications
C 13.10/4: Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials
C 13.11: Handbooks H1- 1918-
C 13.11/2: NIST Handbook, Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices
C 13.12/1: Simplified practice recommendation
C 13.13: Dimensions, NBS 1925-1981
C 13.16: Letter Circulars
C 13.20: Commercial Standards CS 1-
C 13.20/2: Product Standards PS- 1966-
C 13.21: Commercial Standards
C 13.22: Journal of Research 1928-
C 13.22/2: Journal of Research Bound Volumes
C 13.22/sec.A Physics and Chemistry 1959-1977
C 13.25: Building and Housing Publications
C 13.28: News Bulletin of Paper Section
C 13.29: Building Materials and Structures Report
C 13.29/2: Building Science Series 1965-
C 13.30: Mathematical Tables
C 13.32: Applied Mathematics Series, 1948-
C 13.36/5: NBS Publications Newsletter 1963-
C 13.36/7: NIST Update
C 13.37: List of Publications LP
C 13.44: Monographs 1959-
C 13.45: National Bureau of Standards Certificate of Calibration
C 13.46: Technical Notes TN 1959-
C 13.46/2: NBS Reactor: Summary of Activities
C 13.46/3: TechBeat
C 13.48: National Standard Reference Data Series, NSRDS-NBS 1964-
C 13.48/4: Standard Reference Materials
C 13.48/4-2: NIST Standard ReferenceMaterials Price List
C 13.48/4-3: Standard Reference Materials Price List
C 13.52: Federal Information Processing Standards Publications 1968-
C 13.53: NBS Consumer Information Series 1971-
C 13.54: Electromagnetic Meteorology, Current Awareness Service
C 13.55/3: Model State Regulations (on various subjects) as Adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures
C 13.55: Model Weights and Measures Ordinance (year), Provisions as Adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures
C 13.57/2: NIST-GCR Grantee/Contractor Report
C 13.58: National Bureau of Standards Interagency Reports, NBSIR- 1973-
C 13.58/2: Technical Activities, Center for Analytical Chemistry
C 13.58/3: Technical Activities, Office of Standard Reference Data
C 13.58/5: NIST Serial Holdings
C 13.58/7: Directory of NVLAP Accredited Laboratories
C 13.58/9: Technical Activities, Center for Chemical Physics
C 13.58/10: Technical Publication Announcements
C 13.58/11: Technical Progress Bulletin
C 13.58/13: Annual Conference on Fire Research, Book of Abstracts
C 13.58/14: Annual Report on the Implementation of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 and P.L. 104-113
C 13.58/18: Directory of Accredited North American Quality System Registration Organizations (NAQSRO)
C 13.59/2: Center for Fire Research Publications
C 13.64: Maps, Charts, Posters
C 13.65: Postdoctoral Research Associateships
C 13.65/2: Engineering Postdoctoral Research Associateship Program
C 13.66: Weights and Measures Directory
C 13.66/3: Directory of Associate Members, National Conference on Weights and Measures
C 13.68: Annual Accomplishments Report, Affirmative Action Program for Minorities and Women
C 13.69: Directories (NBS)
C 13.69/3: Directory of DoC Staff Memberships on Outside Standards Committees
C 13.70: TBT News
C 13.70/2: National Measurement Laboratory, News Features
C 13.71: Technical Activities, Surface Science Division
C 13.72: Status Report of the Energy-Related Inventions Program
C 13.73: Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology: Annual Report
C 13.75: Technology at a Glance
C 13.76: CSL Bulletin
C 13.77: Computer Systems Laboratory, Annual Report
C 13.78: Research Update
C 13.79: Electronic Products
C 13.84: Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program
C 16.2: General Publications
C 18.2: General Publications
C 18.5: Daily Consular and Trade Reports
C 18.5/1: Foreign Commerce Weekly 1940-
C 18.7: Monthly Summary of Foreign Commerce of United States
C 18.8: Advance Sheets from Monthly Summary of the Foreign Commerce of the United States
C 18.11: Special Agents Series
C 18.15: Miscellaneous Series
C 18.16: Commercial Relations
C 18.19: Foreign Commerce and Navigation
C 18.25: Trade Information Bulletins
C 18.26: Commerce Yearbooks
C 18.26/2: Foreign Commerce Yearbooks
C 18.27: Trade Promotion Series
C 18.28: Domestic Commerce Series
C 18.33: Distribution Cost Studies
C 18.35/2: Special Supplements
C 18.41: Market Research Series
C 18.88: Foreign Railway News
C 18.100: International Coal Trade
C 18.166: World Survey of Foreign Railways
C 18.182: Business Information Service
C 18.202: Export Market Series
C 18.204: Trade of the United States with
C 18.206: Economic Series
C 18.207: Trade of U.S. with Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Kwantung
C 18.220: Industrial Reference Service
C 18.223: International Reference Service
C 18.225: Industrial Series
C 18.228: Inquiry Reference Service
C 18.229: Pulp and Paper Industry Reports
C 18.230: Industry Reports: Lumber
C 18.231: Industry Reports: Sugar, Molasses and Confectionary
C 18.232: Industry Reports: Domestic Transportation
C 18.233: Industry Report: Construction and Construction Materials
C 18.234: Industry Report: Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Production and Wholesale Distribution
C 18.235: Industry Report: Chemicals and Allied Products
C 18.238: Industry Report: Fats and Oils
C 18.239: Industry Report: Leather
C 18.240: Industry Report: Coffee, Tea, and Spices
C 18.241: Industry Report: Rubber
C 18.242: Industry Report: Containers and Packaging
C 18.267: Comprehensive Export Schedules
C 18.270: Business Establishment, Employment and Taxable Pay Rolls Under Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Program
C 18.271: Domestic Commerce Series
C 18.274: Transportation Series
C 18.275: Business Economics Series
C 21.1/2 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Patents 1837-
C 21.1/2: Annual Reports to Secretary of Commerce
C 21.1/3: Trademark Public Advisory Committee Annual Report
C 21.1/4: Patent Public Advisory Committee Annual Report
C 21.2: General Publications
C 21.2:T 67/ General Information Concerning Trademarks
C 21.3/2: Classification Definitions
C 21.5: Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office: Patents
C 21.5/2: Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office 1920-
C 21.5/3: Index of Trademarks Issued from the United States Patent Office
C 21.5/4 A: Patent and Trademark Office Notices
C 21.5/4: Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Trademarks 1971-
C 21.5/5: Consolidated Listing of Official Gazette Notices Re Patent and Trademark Office Practices and Proceduresm, Patent Notices
C 21.5/6: Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patents
C 21.5/6-2: Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office: Patent
C 21.5/7: Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Consolidated Listing of Official Gazette Notices
C 21.5/a 5: Separates, Miscellaneous
C 21.6: Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States Courts in Patent and Trade-Mark and Copyright Cases, 1869-1944
C 21.7: Patent Laws
C 21.7/2: U.S. Statutes Concerning the Registration of Trademarks
C 21.8: Rules of Practice
C 21.9/2: Patent Attorneys and Agents Available to Represent Inventors Before the United States Patent Office
C 21.12: Manual of Classification
C 21.12/2: Index to Classification
C 21.14/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 21.14/2-3: A Guide to Filing a Non-Provisional (Utility) Patent Application
C 21.14:P27 Rules of Practice in Patent Cases
C 21.14:T67/2 Trademark Rules of practice of the Patent Office, with Forms and Statutes
C 21.14: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
C 21.15: Manual of Patent Examining Procedures
C 21.24:T22/ Technology Assessment and Forecast, Report 1973-
C 21.25: Patent Profiles
C 21.26: General Information Concerning Trademarks
C 21.26/2: General Information Concerning Patents
C 21.28: Directories
C 21.28/2: Information Directory
C 21.30: Products and Services Catalog
C 21.31/3: Patents Class, Current Classifications of U.S. Patents, Issued 1790 to Present
C 21.31/5: Patents Assist, Full Text of Patent Search Tools
C 21.31/11: USAMark: Facsimile Images of Registered United States Trademarks
C 21.31/13: Patents & Trademarks Assign
C 21.31/18: Trademarks BIB
C 21.32: Electronic Products
C 21.33: PTO Pulse
C 21.33/2: USPTO Today
C 21.36: Trilateral Statistical Report
C 23.1: Annual Reports
C 23.2: General Publications
C 23.6/4: Manual
C 23.6: Regulations
C 23.7/2: Airway Bulletins
C 23.11: Aeronautics Bulletin
C 23.12/7: Forest Products
C 23.12: Air Commerce Bulletin
C 23.13: Liason Committee on Aeronautics Radio Research
C 23.17: Army Navy Commerce Committee on Aircraft Requirements
C 26.2: General Publications
C 27.6: Regulations
C 27.9/3: Comparative Summary of Water Borne Foreign Commerce
C 27.9/4: Imports and Exports of Commodities by U.S. Coastal Districtsand Foreign Trade Regions
C 27.9/10: Report on Volume of Water Borne Foreign Commerce of U.S. by Ports of Origin and Destination
C 27.9/11: Water Borne Foreign and Domestic Commerce of U.S.
C 27.9/12: Water Borne Passenger Traffic of U.S.
C 29.1: Annual Reports
C 30.2: General Publications
C 30.3/2: Climatic Summary of the United States, Supplement
C 30.4: Circulars
C 30.6/2: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 30.14: Monthly Weather Review 1872-
C 30.15: Supplements
C 30.17/3: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 30.18/2: Bound Edition
C 30.21/2: Climatological Data for Arctic Stations
C 30.21/3: Climatological Data for Antarctic Stations
C 30.24: Daily River Stages 1903-
C 30.25: United States Meteorological Yearbook
C 30.46: Average Monthly Weather Outlook 1946-
C 30.51: Climatological Data, National Summary
C 30.56: Local Climatological Data
C 30.66/2: Key to Meteorological Records Documentation
C 30.74: Storm Data
C 30.75: Research Progress and Plans of the Weather Bureau, Fiscal Year 1960-
C 30.75/2: Current Federal Meteorological Research and Development Activities 1962/63-
C 30.76: Daily Aerological Cross-Section Pole to Pole along Meridian 75 Degree W for the Igy Period, July 1957 - Dec. 1958
C 30.77: Summer Student Trainee Report
C 30.85: Water Supply Outlook for Western United States
C 30.202: Report on survey of U.S. Shipbuilding
C 31.2: General Publications
C 31.102: General Publications
C 31.103: Civil Aeronautics Bulletins
C 31.105: Laws
C 31.119: Technical Development Reports
C 31.123: Study of Air Traffic Control. Reports
C 31.128: Flight Information Manual
C 31.142: Annual Report / Air Navigation Development Board
C 31.144: Statistical Handbook of Civil Aviation
C 31.145/2: National Airport Plan
C 31.145: Airport Planning
C 31.153: Air Commerce Traffic Patterns
C 31.153/2: International Air Commerce Traffic Pattern, U.S. Flag Carriers
C 31.162: General Maintenance Inspection Aids
C 31.167: Federal Airway Plan
C 31.168: Jet Age Planning, Progress Report
C 31.201: Annual Report 1941-
C 31.205: Laws
C 31.211: Civil Aeronautics Board Reports 1938/40-
C 31.240: Air Carrier Financial Statistics
C 31.240/3: Quarterly Interim Financial Report, Certified Route Air Carriers and Supplemental Air Carriers
C 31.241/3: Commuter Air Carrier Traffic Statistics
C 31.249: Handbook of Airline Statistics 1944-
C 31.251: Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Route Air Carriers
C 31.254: List of U.S. Carriers
C 31.259: Aircraft Operating Cost and Performance Report 1965-
C 31.259/2: Aircraft Operating Cost and Performance Report, Fiscal Year
C 31.260: Airline Industry Economic Report
C 31.261: Schedule Arrival Performance in the Top 200 Markets by Carrier
C 31.265: Air Freight Loss and Damage Claims 1972-1976
C 31.265/2: Air Freight Loss and Damage Claims for Six Months Ended 1977-
C 31.265/3: Air Freight Loss and Damage Claims, Annual Summaries
C 31.266/2: Trunkline Carrier Domestic Passenger Enplanements
C 31.267: Fuel Cost and Consumption. Certificated Route and Supplemental Air Carriers, Domestic and International Operations [monthly]
C 31.267/2: Fuel Cost and Consumption. Certificated Route and Supplemental Air Carriers, Domestic and International Operations [annual]
C 31.202: General Publications
C 31.206/2: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
C 31.206/7: Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board
C 31.212: Papers in Re
C 31.225: Airline Traffic Survey
C 31.241: Air Carrier Traffic Statistics
C 31.253: Local Service Air Carriers' Unit Costs 1963-
C 31.257: Subsidy for United States Certificated Air Carriers
C 31.262/5: Seasonally Adjusted Capacity and Traffic Scheduled Operations: System Trunks and Regional Carriers
C 32.7: Information Bulletins
C 33.5: Laws
C 34.7: Current Export Bulletins
C 35.7: Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports
C 37.1: Highway Progress Annual Report of the Bureau of Public Roads
C 37.2: General Publications
C 37.5: Laws
C 37.6: Regulations, Rules, and Instructions
C 37.7: President's Highway Safety Conference
C 37.17: Highway Statistics
C 37.17/2: Highway Statistics, Summaries
C 37.18: Highway Fianace
C 37.27: Highway Planning Technical Reports
C 37.30: Highway Research and Development Studies
C 39.201: Annual Report 1950-
C 39.202: General Publications
C 39.202:B 87/ Bulk Carriers in the World Fleet
C 39.202:M 53/2/ United States Merchant Marine, Brief History 1957-
C 39.202:Oc 2/ Review of United States Oceanborne Foreign Trade
C 39.202:R 31/ Research and Development Progress 1968-
C 39.202:Su 1/2/ Maritime Subsidies
C 39.206/3: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 39.206/3:Se 1 Seafaring Guide and Directory of Labor Management Affiliations 1969
C 39.212: Merchant Fleets of the World 1956-
C 39.212/3: New Ship Construction, Oceangoing Ships of 1,000 Gross Tons and Over in United States and Foreign Shipyards 1946-
C 39.216/2: Relative Cost of Shipbuilding in Various Coastal Districts of the United States, Report to Congress 1963-
C 39.217: Vessel Inventory Report, United States Flag Dry Cargo and Tanker Fleets, 1,000 Gross Tons and Over
C 39.222: Domestic Waterborne Trade of the United States
C 39.223: Port Series
C 39.224: Statistical Analysis of World's Merchant Fleets Showing Age, Size, Speed, and Draft by Frequency Groupings, as of 1956-
C 39.226: Decisions of the Maritime Subsidy Board 1961/64-
C 39.227:P 96/ Publications of the Maritime Administration
C 39.227:T 22/ Technical Report Index, Maritime Administration Research and Development 1967-
C 39.230: Oceangoing Foreign Flag Merchant Type Ships of 1,000 Gross Tons and Over Owned by the United States Parent Companies
C 39.233: Containerized Cargo Statistics 1968-
C 39.240: United States Oceanborne Foreign Trade Routes
C 39.242: Estimated Vessel Operating Expenses
C 40.12: Containers and Packaging Industry Reports
C 41.2: General Publications
C 41.6/9: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 41.11: Marketing Information Guide
C 41.12: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 41.18: Printing and Publishing
C 41.21: U.S. Government Research 1946-
C 41.21/5: Keywords Index to U.S. Government Technical Reports
C 41.22: Technical Services Office General Publications
C 41.23/4: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications, Technical Services Office
C 41.30/3: Construction Review 1955-
C 41.33: Containers and Packaging 1948-
C 41.34/2: Annual Statistical Supplement
C 41.35: Chemicals 1954-Dec. 1971/May 1972
C 41.42/4: Industrial Outlook and Economy at Mid-Year
C 41.84/1: English Abstracts of Selected Articles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals. Series I. Physics, Geophysics, Astrophysics, Astronomy, Astronautics, and Applied Mathematics
C 41.84/4: Series 4, Engineering Machinery and Equipment
C 41.84/5: Series 5, Communications, Transportation, Navigation, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Systems and Devices, Including Aircraft and Missle Equipment 1961-
C 41.84/6: Series 6, General Science and Miscellaneous, Including Meteorology, Oceanography, Biology, Astro-Biology, Botany, Zoology, Medical Science, Aeromedicine, Education, Fuel, Fuel Products, and Power
C 41.84/7: Series 7, Geophysics and Astronomy
C 41.90: Industry Trend Series
C 41.94: Current Review of the Soviet Technical Press
C 41.112: Aluminum Imports and Exports
C 41.30/4: Statistical Supplements
C 42.2: General Publications
C 42.8: International Commerce 1940-Oct. 1972
C 42.9/2: World Trade Series
C 42.10/2: Trade List Catalog
C 42.11: Export Control Regulations 1941-
C 42.11/2: Current Export Bulletin
C 42.13/1: World Trade Information Service: PT 1, Economic Reports
C 42.13/2: World Trade Information Service: PT 2, Operations Reports
C 42.13/3: World Trade Information Service: PT 3, Statistical Reports
C 42.13/4: World Trade Information Service: PT 4, Utilities Abroad
C 42.13/5: World Trade Information Service: PT 5, Fairs & Exhibitions
C 42.15/2: Foreign Market Reports Service, Listing
C 42.15/3: Foreign Production and Commercial Reports
C 42.15/3-2: Cumulative Index to Foreign Production and Commercial Reports
C 42.15/3-3: Index to Foreign Production and Commercial Reports, Cumulative Indexes
C 42.15: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 42.20: Overseas Business Reports
C 42.31/3: Market Share Report Catalog
C 42.34: International Economic Indicators
C 46.1: Annual Report 1966-
C 46.2: General Publications
C 46.5: Laws
C 46.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 46.8:C 73 Handbook of Federal Aid to Communities 1966-
C 46.9/2: Economic Development 1965-June 1973
C 46.9/3: Economic Development U.S.A.
C 46.17: Maps and Charts, Qualified Areas
C 46.18: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 46.19/2: EDA Directory of Approved Projects
C 46.24: Economic Redevelopment Research
C 46.25: Qualified Areas Under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as Amended
C 46.25/2: Areas Eligible for Financial Assistance: Designated Under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965
C 46.25/3: Designated Redevelopment Areas Under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965
C 46.26: Research Review 1967-
C 46.29: Economic Development Research Reports
C 46.30: Environmental Impact Statements
C 47.1: Annual Report 1962-
C 47.2: General Publications
C 47.12: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 47.13: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 47.15: Summary and Analysis of International Travel to the U.S.
C 47.15/4: Arrivals and Departures by Selected Ports, Statistics of Foreign Visitor Arrivals and U.S. Citizen Departures Analyzed by U.S. Ports of Entry and Departure 1963-
C 47.15/5: International Travellers to the U.S., Annual Summary
C 47.15/6: Foreign Visitor Arrivals by Selected Ports, Calendar Year
C 47.16: Travel Folders USTS
C 47.18: Patterns of Foreign Travel in the U.S.
C 47.19: Study of the International Travel Market
C 47.20: Marketing U.S. Tourism Abroad
C 47.2:P 69 Plant Tours for International Visitors to the United States
C 48.8: Addresses
C 49.208: Comprehensive Export Schedule
C 49.208/2: Current Export Bulletins
C 50.1: Annual Report
C 51.1: Annual Reports
C 51.2: General Publications
C 51.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 51.9/3: Government Reports Announcements and Index 1946-
C 51.9/4: Government Reports Annual Index 1971-
C 51.9: Government Reports Index
C 51.11: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 51.11/2: Directory of Computerized Software 1976-
C 51.11/2-2: Directory of Computerized Data Files
C 51.11/3: Selected Reports
C 51.11/4: NTIS Information Services, General Catalogs
C 51.11/5: Directory of Computer Software Applications
C 51.11/6: JACS Directory
C 51.11/7: NTIS Digest
C 51.11/8: NTIS Products and Services Catalog
C 51.12: Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program List of Translations in Process for Fiscal Year, Coordinated and Administered by the National Science Foundation
C 51.13: NTIS Searches
C 51.13/2: Published Search Bibliographies
C 51.13/2-2: NTIS Published Search Mini Catalog
C 51.13/3: Foreign Technology Alert-Bibliography
C 51.14: News Line
C 51.15: Directory of Federal Statistical Data Files
C 51.16: Catalog of Government Patents
C 51.16/2: Catalog of Government Inventions Available for Licensing
C 51.17: Tech Notes, Computers
C 51.17/2: Electrotechnology
C 51.17/3: Energy
C 51.17/4: Engineering
C 51.17/5: Life Sciences
C 51.17/6: Machinery and Tools
C 51.17/7: Manufacturing
C 51.17/8: Materials
C 51.17/9: Physical Sciences
C 51.17/10: Testing and Instrumentation
C 51.17/11: Federal Technology Catalog, Summaries of Practical Technology, NTIS Tech Notes Annual Index
C 51.17/12: Tech Notes
C 51.18: Corporate Author Authority List
C 51.19: Directories
C 51.19/2: Directory of Federal and State Business Assistance
C 51.19/2-2: Directory of Federal Laboratory and Technology Resources, a Guide to Services, Facilities, and Expertise
C 51.19/3: Directory of Japanese Technical Reports
C 51.19/4: Directory of U.S. Government Datafiles for Mainframes & Microcomputers
C 51.19/5: Directory of U.S. Government Software for Mainframes & Microcomputers
C 51.20: U.S. Government Environmental Datafiles & Software
C 51.21: NTIS Tech Express
C 51.22/2: The NTIS/GPO FDLP Depository Access to Reports, Technical & Scientific (DARTS)
C 51.22: Firstgov for Science (science.gov)
C 53.9: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 54.2: General Publications
C 55.1/3: NOAA Annual Operating Plan
C 55.1/4: NOAA business report
C 55.2: General Publications
C 55.6: Regulations, Rules and Instructions
C 55.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.8/2: NOAA Handbooks
C 55.8/3: NOAA Manuals
C 55.11: Monthly Weather Review
C 55.12: Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, FCM
C 55.13: NOAA Technical Reports
C 55.13/2: NOAA Technical Memorandums
C 55.13/2-2: Publications and Final Reports on Contracts and Grants
C 55.13/3: NOAA Computer Programs and Problems
C 55.13/4: NWS-TDL-CP-
C 55.13/5: TDL-CP-
C 55.13/6: NOAA Special Reports, NOS OMA-
C 55.14: NOAA 1971-
C 55.14/a: Separates
C 55.16: Federal Plan for Marine Environmental Prediction, Fiscal Year
C 55.16/2: Federal Plan for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, Fiscal Year 1968-
C 55.17: NOAA Publications Announcements
C 55.20: Natural Disaster Survey Reports NDSR
C 55.21/4: International Field Year fo the Great Lakes: Proceedings, IFYGL Symposium, Annual Meetings of the American Geophysical Union
C 55.22: NOAA Atlases 1971-
C 55.22/2: Maps
C 55.26: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.27: Weather Modification, Summary Report
C 55.27/2: Weather Modification Activity Reports 1973-
C 55.27/3: Weather Modification Reporting Program
C 55.28: Hydrometeorological Reports 1938-
C 55.29: NOAA Undersea Research Program, Fiscal Year Reports
C 55.29/2: Symposia Series for Undersea Research, NOAA's Undersea Research Program
C 55.29/3: National Undersea Research Program Technical Report
C 55.31: Report to the Congress on Ocean Dumping and Other Man-Induced Changes to Ocean Ecosystems 1973-1974
C 55.31/2: Report to Congress on Ocean Pollution, Overfishing and Offshore Development 1975- 1983
C 55.31/3: Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution, Monitoring and Research
C 55.32: Report to the Congress on Coastal Zone Management
C 55.32/3: State Coastal Zone Management Activities
C 55.32/6: Management Plans
C 55.32/7: Coastal Zone
C 55.32/8: Coastal GeoTools: Proceedings of the Biennial Coastal GeoTools Conference
C 55.34/2: Final Environmental Impact Statements
C 55.34: Draft Environmental Impact Statements
C 55.35: NOAA Dumpsite Evaluation Reports
C 55.36: NOAA Data Reports OMPA-
C 55.38: SEA Grant Biennial Report
C 55.39: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System: ASFIS Reference Series
C 55.40: Universities and Their Relationships with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
C 55.42: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Report to Congress, Fiscal Year
C 55.43: Office of Marine Pollution Assessment: Annual Report
C 55.43/2: Office of Marine Pollution Assessment, Technical Plan for Fiscal Year
C 55.44: National Climate Program: Annual Report
C 55.45: Landsat Data Users Notes
C 55.48: Directories
C 55.49: NOAA Estuary-of-the-Month, Seminar Series
C 55.49/2: NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Regional Synthesis Series
C 55.49/3: NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Decisions Analysis Series
C 55.49/4: NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Project News Update
C 55.49/6: Fellow News
C 55.49/7: Coastal Connections, A Bimonthly Publication Focused on Tools for Coastal Resource Managers
C 55.52: Earth System Monitor
C 55.53: NOAA Report
C 55.54: Electronic Products
C 55.55: ACCP (Atlantic Climate Change Program) Newsletter
C 55.56: Globe Offline
C 55.58: Sanctuary watch
C 55.59: Topside
C 55.102: General Publications
C 55.108: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.108/2: Weather Service Observing Handbooks 1969-
C 55.108/3: Forecaster's Handbooks 1967-
C 55.108/4: Communications Handbooks
C 55.108/5: Engineering Handbooks, EHS-
C 55.108/6: AFOS Handbook
C 55.109: Monthly and Seasonal Weather Outlook 1946-
C 55.111: Operations of the National Weather Service 1970-
C 55.113: Water Supply Outlook for Western United States, Water Year
C 55.117: Daily River Stages 1903-
C 55.117/2: River forecasts provided by the National Weather Service 1972-
C 55.122: Maps and Charts
C 55.123: Gulfstream 1975-
C 55.123/2: Oceanographic Monthly Summary Jan. 1981-
C 55.124: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.127: Aware
C 55.129/2: The Climate Bulletin
C 55.132: Critical Path
C 55.133: National Implementation Plan for Modernization of the National Weather Service
C 55.134: A Summary of Natural Hazard Deaths in the United States
C 55.136: Climate PredictionCenter Atlas
C 55.194: Climate Diagnostic Bulletin
C 55.196: NMC Monthly Performance Summary
C 55.136/2: Northern hemisphere winter summary
C 55.136/3: Southern hemisphere winter summary
C 55.137: Service Assessments
C 55.139: Storm Courier
C 55.140: Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules
C 55.141: Tsunami newsletter
C 55.195: Daily Weather Maps
C 55.201/2: National Geophysical Data Center: Annual Report
C 55.202: General Publications
C 55.202:C 99/871- Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1871-1977 1978
C 55.208: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.209: Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin 1924-
C 55.211: Monthly Climatic Data for the World
C 55.212: Storm Data 1959-
C 55.214/2: Alabama
C 55.214/3: Alaska
C 55.214/4: Arizona
C 55.214/5: Arkansas
C 55.214/6: California
C 55.214/7: Colorado
C 55.214/8: Florida
C 55.214/9: Georgia
C 55.214/10: Hawaii
C 55.214/11: Idaho
C 55.214/12: Illinois
C 55.214/13: Indiana
C 55.214/14: Iowa
C 55.214/15: Kansas
C 55.214/16: Kentucky
C 55.214/17: Louisiana
C 55.214/18: Maryland and Delaware
C 55.214/19: Michigan
C 55.214/20: Minnesota
C 55.214/21: Mississippi
C 55.214/22: Missouri
C 55.214/23: Montana
C 55.214/24: Nebraska
C 55.214/2-47 Climatological Data Summaries
C 55.214/25: Nevada
C 55.214/26: New England
C 55.214/27: New Jersey
C 55.214/28: New Mexico
C 55.214/29: New York
C 55.214/30: North Carolina
C 55.214/31: North Dakota
C 55.214/32: Ohio
C 55.214/33: Oklahoma
C 55.214/34: Oregon
C 55.214/36: Pennsylvania
C 55.214/37: Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
C 55.214/38: South Carolina
C 55.214/39: South Dakota
C 55.214/40: Tennessee
C 55.214/41: Texas
C 55.214/42: Utah
C 55.214/43: Virginia
C 55.214/44: Washington
C 55.214/45: West Virginia
C 55.214/46: Wisconsin
C 55.214/47: Wyoming
C 55.214: Climatological Data, National Summary
C 55.215: Solar-Geophysical Data
C 55.216/5: Hourly Precipitation Data Colorado
C 55.216/9: Idaho
C 55.216/32: Hourly Precipitation Data Oregon
C 55.217: Local Climatological Data
C 55.219: Key to Meteorological Records Documentation
C 55.219/2: Key to Geophysical Records Documentation 1972-
C 55.219/3: Key to Oceanographic Records Documentation 1973-
C 55.219/4: Key to Meteorological Records, 5.4 Environmental Satellite Imagery
C 55.219/5: Key to Oceanic and Atmospheric Information Sources 1974-
C 55.220: Upper Atmosphere Geophysics, Report UAG-
C 55.220/2-2: World Data Center A, Oceanography, Catalog of Accessioned Publications
C 55.220/3: World Data Center A, Oceanography, Catalogue of Data
C 55.220/4: Publications
C 55.220/5: World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics Report, SE Series
C 55.220/6: Glaciological Data Report GD
C 55.220/7: World Data Center A, Meteorology: Publications
C 55.220/10: World Data Center-A for Marine Geology and Geophysics Report
C 55.220/2: Oceanography Catalogue of Accessioned Soviet Publications
C 55.220/2-3: World Data Center A, Oceanography, Catalogue of Data, WDCA-OC-
C 55.222: Environmental Data and Information Service 1971-1981
C 55.226: United States Earthquakes 1928-
C 55.227: International Decade of Ocean Exploration, Progress Reports 1973-
C 55.228: Publications 1957-
C 55.228/2: NOAA Scientific and Technical Publications Announcements
C 55.229: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.229/2: Accessions List
C 55.229/3: Packaged Literature Searches
C 55.230: Posters
C 55.231: Maps and Atlases
C 55.233: Climate Impact Assessment, Foreign Countries
C 55.233/2: Climate Impact Assessment, U.S.
C 55.233/3: Climate Impact Assessment, Foreign Countries Annual Summary
C 55.233/4: Climate Impact Assessment, United States, Annual Summary
C 55.234: CEAS (Center for Environmental Assessment Services) Activities
C 55.237: Marine Environmental Assessment, Gulf of Mexico Annual Summary
C 55.237/3: Marine Environmental Assessment: Chesapeake Bay: Annual Summary
C 55.238: National Environmental Data Referral Service Publication, NEDRES-
C 55.239: Data Announcements
C 55.240: The Paleoclimate Data Record
C 55.241: NOAA Paleoclimate Publications Series
C 55.242: NOAA Atlas NESDIS
C 55.281: National Climactic Center Publications
C 55.281/2: Five Day Final; Global Daily Summary
C 55.281/2-2: Electronic Products
C 55.281/2-3: U.S. Divisional and Station Climatic Data and Normals
C 55.281/2-4: Cooperative Summary of the Day
C 55.281/2-5: Chart Series A, Surface and Upper Air Weather Charts
C 55.281/2-6: Chart Series B, Initial Analysis and Forecast Charts
C 55.281/2-7: Chart Series C, Tropical Strip/Precipitattion and Observed Weather Charts
C 55.284: Global Atmospheric Background Monitoring for Selected Environmental Parameters, BAPMoN
C 55.285: River Forecasts Provided by the National Weather Service 1972-
C 55.286/6-6: Local Climatological Data, Colorado
C 55.287/58: Historical Climatology Series, Atlases
C 55.287/60-2: Monthly State, Regional and National Heating Degree Days Weighted by Population
C 55.287/60-3: Monthly State, Regional and National Cooling Degree Days Weighted by Population
C 55.287/61: Climate Variations Bulletin
C 55.287/63: The National Climatic Data Center Periodical Publications
C 55.291/2: National Oceanography Data Center: Annual Report
C 55.292: World Ocean Atlas
C 55.297: NOAA Environmental Bioy Data
C 55.298: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.287/7: Fort Smith
C 55.287/9: Alamosa
C 55.287/9-2: Colorado Springs
C 55.287/9-3: Denver
C 55.287/9-4: Grand Junction
C 55.287/9-5: Pueblo
C 55.301: Annual Report
C 55.301/2: NMFS Northwest Region Organization and Activities, Fiscal Year
C 55.302: General Publications
C 55.304: Circulars 1964-
C 55.305: Laws
C 55.308: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.308/2: Handbooks
C 55.308:An 4/2 Anglers' Guide to the United States Pacific Coast 1977
C 55.308/2: Handbooks
C 55.309/2-10: Imports and Exports of Fishery Products, Annual Summary
C 55.309/2-11: NOAA Fisheries…Report
C 55.309/2-12: Our Living Oceans
C 55.309/3: Fish Meal and Oil Market Review, Current Economic Analysis I
C 55.310 Marine Fisheries Review 1939-
C 55.310/2: Marine Fisheries Abstracts
C 55.313: Fishery Bulletin 1931-
C 55.316: Statistical Digests 1942-
C 55.318: Fishery Market News
C 55.320: Fishery Market Development Series 1966-
C 55.321: Test Kitchen Series 1950-
C 55.322: Fishery Facts, FSHFA- 1972-
C 55.324: Data Reports 1964-
C 55.325/2: Received or Planned Current Fisheries, Oceanographic, and Atmospheric Translations, A-
C 55.325/3: Survey of Foreign Fisheries, Oceanographic, and Atmospheric Literature
C 55.325/4: Survey of Foreign Fisheries, Translated Tables of Contents and New Translations
C 55.325: Translated Tables of Contents of Current Foreign Fisheries, Oceanographic, and Atmospheric Publications
C 55.327: Administration of the marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
C 55.327/3: U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments
C 55.327/3-2: U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine mammal Stock Assessments
C 55.327/3-3: Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessments
C 55.328: Environmental Impact Statements
C 55.330: Annual Report Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1977-
C 55.331: Southwest Fisheries Science Center: Report of Activities
C 55.332: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.334: Collected Reprints
C 55.339: Marine Recreational Fisheries
C 55.340: Annual Report Habitat Conservation Program
C 55.341: National Systematics Laboratory Report for Calendar Year
C 55.346: Billfish Newsletter
C 55.348: North Pacific groundfish observer manual
C 55.401: Annual Report
C 55.401/2: Monthly Report of Activities
C 55.402: General Publications
C 55.408: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.410: Earthquake Information Bulletin
C 55.412: Preliminary Determination of Epicenters
C 55.413: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.413/2: National Ocean Survey Abstracts
C 55.413/3: Publications of the National Geodetic Survey
C 55.417/2: United State Earthquakes
C 55.417/7: Braille Publications
C 55.418/2: National Ocean Survey Catalog of Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications
C 55.418/3: Defense Mapping Agency Aeronautical Charts and Publications Available from NOAA's National Ocean Service
C 55.418/6: Maps and Charts
C 55.418/6-2: Posters
C 55.420/2: Great Lakes Water Levels
C 55.421/2: Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, East Coast of North and South America Including Greenland
C 55.421/3: Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, Europe and West Coast of Africa, Including the Mediterranean Sea
C 55.421/4: Tide Tables, High and Low Water Predictions, Central and Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
C 55.422: United States Coast Pilots
C 55.423: Ship Operations Report, National Ocean Survey
C 55.425/4: Tides online
C 55.428: Collected Reprints 1976-
C 55.431: Educational Pamphlets
C 55.433: Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Final Reports of Principal Investigators
C 55.436: National Status and Trends Program, Water Quality Cruise Data Reports
C 55.436/2: National Status and Trends Program for Marine Environmental Quality
C 55.436/3: National Status and Trends Program for Marine Environmental Quality, FY Program Description
C 55.436/4: National Status and Trends Program, Water Quality Annual Report
C 55.438: States' Activities Report
C 55.439: Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution, Monitoring and Research
C 55.441: National Shellfish Register of Classified Growing Waters
C 55.442: Environmental Impact Statement
C 55.443/2: Protecting your Channel Islands
C 55.443: Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series
C 55.444: Wavebreaking News
C 55.445/2: National Marine Sanctuary Program (General Publications)
C 55.445/4-11: Monterey Bay national Marine Sanctuary
C 55.446: Accomplishments / National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
C 55.601/2: Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory: Annual Report
C 55.601/3: National Hurricane Research Laboratory, Fiscal Year Programs, Fiscal Year Projections
C 55.601/4: Research Facilities Center: Annual Report
C 55.601/5: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory: Activities, Plans
C 55.601/6: Hurricane Field Program
C 55.602: General Publications
C 55.608: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 55.610: Antarctic Seismological Bulletin
C 55.611: Earthquake Information Bulletin 1967-
C 55.612: Collected Reprints: Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories 1970-
C 55.612/2: Collected Reprints, Wave Propagation Laboratory 1971-
C 55.612/3: Collected Reprints: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Laboratory
C 55.615/2: Programs and Plans, Environmental Research Laboratories
C 55.616: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 55.618: Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change Summary Reports
C 55.622: Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf, Principal Investigator's Report
C 55.622/2: Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf
C 55.622/3: Environmental Assessment of the Alaskan Continental Shelf
C 55.623: BAO Reports 1979-
C 55.624: Maps and Charts
C 55.625: National Severe Storms Laboratory, Annual Report, Fiscal Year
C 55.626: Weather Research Program, Annual Report
C 55.626/2: Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services
C 55.627: Preliminary Report and Forecast of Solar Geophysical Data
C 55.628/2: FSL in Review
C 55.690: Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, Monthly Listing
C 56.102: General Publications
C 56.109: Survey of Current Business 1921-
C 56.109/4: Special Supplements to Survey of Current Business
C 56.111: Business Conditions Digest 1961-
C 56.113: Bureau of Economic Analysis Staff Papers, BEA-SP 1963-
C 56.202: General Publications
C 56.208: Handbooks, Manuals, and Guides
C 56.209: Governmantal Finances GF- 1965-
C 56.209/2: Government Employment GE
C 56.210: U.S. Foreign Trade
C 56.210/2: Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics
C 56.210/3: U.S. Foreign Trade: Schedules
C 56.211: Construction Reports: Housing Completions C 22- C 22-69- 1970-
C 56.211/2: Construction Reports: New One-family Homes Sold and for Sale C 25-
C 56.211/4: Construction Reports: Housing Authorized by Building Permits and Public Contracts C40
C 56.211/5: Construction Reports: Value of New Construction Put in Place C 30-
C 56.211/6: Construction Reports: Authorized Construction, Washington, D.C. Area, C 41-
C 56.211/8: Construction Reports: Housing Units Authorized for Demolition in Permit-Issuing Places
C 56.212/2: Census Users Bulletins
C 56.212/6: Data Access Descriptions: Miscellaneous Series
C 56.213/2: Congressional District Atlas
C 56.214: Current Housing Reports
C 56.215/2: Technical Papers
C 56.215/7: Construction reports. C50, Residential alterations and repairs
C 56.215: Technical Notes
C 56.216: Current Industrial Reports
C 56.217: Data User News
C 56.218: Current Population Reports 1947-
C 56.219: Current Business Reports: Monthly Wholesale Trade, Sales and Inventories BW-
C 56.219/3: Special Current Business Reports: Monthly Department Store Sales in Selected Areas BD-
C 56.219/4: Current Business Reports: Monthly Retail Trade, Sales and Accounts Receivable BR-
C 56.219/4-2: Current Business Reports: Retail Trade
C 56.219/5: Current Business Reports: Monthly Selected Service Recepits, BS-
C 56.219/6: Current Business Reports: Advance Monthly Retail Sales CB-
C 56.219/7: Current Business Reports: Weekly Retail Sales CB-
C 56.220: Census Use Studies
C 56.221: Annual Survey of Manufactures M
C 56.221/2: Annual Survey of Manufactures: Annual Volumes 1949/50-
C 56.222: Bureau of Census Catalog 1946-
C 56.222/2: Monthly Supplement
C 56.222/2-2: Historical Compilations
C 56.222/3:M56/ Census Bureau Methodological Research, Annotated List of Papers and Reports
C 56.223: Construction Expenditure of State and Local Governments
C 56.226: Series Isp. Cents (Census Tabulation System)
C 56.227/2: Census of Agriculture: Special Reports
C 56.227/3: Census of Agriculture: Final Volumes
C 56.228: Enterprise Statistics ES-
C 56.231: State and Local Government Special Studies 1936-
C 56.231/2: Quarterly Summary of State and Local Tax Revenue GT-
C 56.232: U.S. Commodity Exports and Imports as Related to Output ES2 1958/59-
C 56.233: County Business Patterns CBP 1943-
C 56.235: Census Tract Papers, GE-40
C 56.235/2: Census Tract Memos
C 56.238: Foreign Statistical Publications; Accession List
C 56.239/2: Cotton Ginnings Report on Cotton Ginnings by States A10-
C 56.242: United States Maps GE 50-
C 56.243: Statistical Abstract of the United States 1879-
C 56.243/2: Supplements to the Statistical Abstract of the United States
C 56.244: Census of Manufactures: Final Volumes
C 56.244/3: Census of Manufactures: Supplementary Reports
C 56.244/8: Census of Manufactures: Manufacturers' Inventories
C 56.246: Census of Transportation: General Publications
C 56.246/2: Census of Transportation: Final Reports
C 56.246/3: Census of Transportation
C 56.247/2: Census of Government
C 56.249: Boundary and Annexation Survey Annual Reports
C 56.251/2: Census of Retail Trade: Area Statistics
C 56.251/5: Census of Retail Trade: Major Retail Centers in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas RC-
C 56.251/6: Census of Retail Trade: Final Volumes
C 56.252/2: Census of Wholesale Trade: Preliminary Area Series
C 56.252/5: Census of Wholesale Trade: Final Volumes
C 56.253/5: Census of Selected Service Industries: Final Volumes
C 56.254/6: Census of Construction Industries: Bound Volumes
C 56.255: Geographic Base DIME File Cue
C 56.259: Economic Censuses of Outlying Areas
C 56.260: Survey of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises, MB-
C 56.266: World population, 1973 : recent demographic estimates for the countries and regions of the world
C 56.291/2: Current business reports. BG-41
C 57.2: General Publications
C 57.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 57.11: Overseas Business Reports
C 57.13: Confectionery Manufacturers' Sales and Distribution 1929-
C 57.14: Aluminum Imports and Exports
C 57.15: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 57.16: Franchise Opportunities Handbook
C 57.18: U.S. Industrial Outlook 1960-
C 57.19/2: International Economic Indicators and Competitive Trends
C 57.19: International Economic Indicators and Competitive Trends
C 57.20: Commerce Business Daily
C 57.21: World Motor Vehicle and Trailer Production and Registration
C 57.24: U.S. Lumber Exports
C 57.25: Voluntary Industrial Energy Conservation
C 57.29: State Export Series
C 57.30: Report on U.S. Export Controls to the President and the Congress 1947-
C 57.309: U.S. Industrial Outlook, with Projections to (year)
C 57.310: Construction Review 1955-
C 57.311: Printing and Publications
C 57.312: Copper 1954-
C 57.312/2: Annual Statistical Supplement
C 57.402: General Publications
C 57.408: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 57.409/2: Export Administration Bulletin 1969-
C 57.411: Export and Administration Reports
C 57.412: Market Assessments For (country)
C 59.2: General Publications
C 59.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 59.9: Business Conditions Digest
C 59.9/3: Business Conditions Digest Supplements
C 59.11: Survey of Current Business 1921-
C 59.11/1: Survey of Current Business
C 59.11/a: Reprints
C 59.11/3: Business Statistics Biennial Supplement to Survey of Current Business 1932-
C 59.11/4: Supplement to Survey of Current Business
C 59.11/5: National Income and Product Accounts of the United States
C 59.11/5-2: National Income and Product Accounts of the United States
C 59.11/5-3: National Income and Products Accounts of the United States
C 59.13: International Population Reports P-91-
C 59.13/2: International Population Statistics Reports P90-
C 59.14: Bureau of Economic Analysis Staff Papers 1963-
C 59.15: Maps
C 59.16/52: State Quarterly Economic Developments
C 59.17: OBERS, BEA Regional Projections
C 59.18: Local Area Personal Income
C 59.19: Methodology Papers U.S. National Income and Product Accounts BEA-MP
C 59.20: Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S. Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies
C 59.20/2: U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates Preliminary Estimates
C 59.20/3: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, Establishment Data for Manufacturing
C 59.24: Regional Economic Information System
C 59.25: SPI State Personal Income 1969-
C 59.26: Electronic Products
C 59.27: Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth of the United States
C 59.28/2: Interactive Access to Fixed Assets Tables
C 59.28: Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in the United States
C 60.2: General Publications
C 60.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 60.9: Special Publications NTIA-SP-
C 60.10: NTIA Reports
C 60.11: Technical Memorandum Series NTIA-TM-
C 60.12: Contractor Reports NTIA-CR-
C 60.13: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 60.14: Institute for Telecomunication Sciences: Annual Technical Progress Report
C 60.16: Posters
C 61.2: General Publications
C 61.8: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
C 61.8/2: Guidebook, Caribbean Basin Initiative
C 61.9: Country Market Survey CMS-
C 61.9/2: Global Market Survey, European Market
C 61.10: Commercial News USA
C 61.10/2: Commercial News USA, New Products Annual Directory
C 61.11/2: Annual Foreign Policy Report to Congress
C 61.12: Overseas Business Reports
C 61.14: International Economic Indicators
C 61.15: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
C 61.16: Index to Foreign Market Reports
C 61.17: East-West Trade Policy Staff Papers
C 61.18 Business America 1978-
C 61.18/2: Export America
C 61.18/4: Export.gov
C 61.19/2: Foreign Buyer Program Export Interest Directory
C 61.21: International Marketing Events, Market Reserach Survey
C 61.23: Export Administration Regulations
C 61.23/a: Separates
C 61.23/2: Export Administration Bulletin 1969-
C 61.24: Export Administration Annual Report 1947-
C 61.25: OPEC Direct Investment in the United States
C 61.25/2: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
C 61.25/3: Monthly Report on Foreign Direct Investment Activity in the United States
C 61.28: U.S. Trade Performance in (year) and Outlook
C 61.28/2: U.S. Foreign Trade Highlights
C 61.29: International Direct Investment, Global Trends and the U.S. Role
C 61.30: State Export Series
C 61.31: Franchise Opportunities Handbook
C 61.31/2: Franchising in the Economy
C 61.32: Directory of Employees and Services for the International Trade Administration
C 61.34: U.S. Industrial Outlook
C 61.34/3: U.S. Global Trade Outlook 1995-2000 Toward the 21st Century
C 61.35: Caribbean Basin Initiative Business Bulletins
C 61.35/2: LA/C Business Bulletin
C 61.37: Construction Review
C 61.38: Latin American Trade Review
C 61.40: U.S. Merchandise Trade Position at Midyear
C 61.41: Europe Now
C 61.42: BISNIS Bulletin
C 61.42/2: BISNIS Search of Partners
C 61.43: Eastern Europe Business Bulletin
C 61.44: Directories
C 61.45: The Big Emerging Markets, Outlook and Sourcebook
C 61.46: Monthly Trade Update
C 61.48: U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook
C 61.50: U.S. Exports of Textile and Apparel Products
C 61.51: Textile and Apparel Trade Balance Report
C 61.52: U.S. Imports of Textile and Apparel Products
C 61.53: The Major Shippers Report
C 61.54: U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System
C 61.56: Results of Services Conference
C 61.57: Addressing the Challenges of International Bribery and Fair Competition
C 62.2: General Publications
C 62.9: Printing and Publishing -1982
C 62.10: Construction Review 1955-
C 62.11: Forest Products Review 1944-1982
C 62.12: Copper 1954-
C 62.12/2: Copper, Annual Statistical Supplement
C 62.13: Aluminum Imports and Exports
C 62.14: Franchise Opportunities Handbook
C 62.15: Staff Papers BIE-SP-
C 62.16: Franchising in the Economy
C 62.17: U.S. Industrial Outlook for 200 Industries with Projections for (year)
C 62.19: Industrial Economics Review