Database of Recorded American Music (DRAM)DRAM is a collection of sound recordings documenting American music largely ignored by the commercial recording companies. DRAM is a not-for-profit resource providing CD quality audio, complete and original liner notes and essays from New World Records, Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) and other labels. DRAM offers the educational community on-demand, high-quality (192kbps/MP4) streaming access to complete works. Works can be browsed by work, album or track titles, as well as ...
DRAM is a collection of sound recordings documenting American music largely ignored by the commercial recording companies. DRAM is a not-for-profit resource providing CD quality audio, complete and original liner notes and essays from New World Records, Composers Recordings, Inc. (CRI) and other labels. DRAM offers the educational community on-demand, high-quality (192kbps/MP4) streaming access to complete works. Works can be browsed by work, album or track titles, as well as by artist roles, and date of recording and composition. Some biographical and role information is provided for artists. Users may have trouble using this site if they do not have minimum system requirements on their computer. System requirements: High-speed network connection (DRAM serves 192kbps MP4 files), browser software (Firefox 1.0, Netscape 7.2 (Mac) or 8.0 (Windows), Safari 1.2.4 (Mac), Internet Explorer 5.2 (Mac) or 6.0 (Windows)), QuickTime player 6.5.2 preferred (free download available).