The Urban InsituteThe Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1968. It investigates the social and economic problems confronting the nation and government policies and public and private programs designed to alleviate them. UI reports include the National Survey of America's Families, a representative look at the well-being of adults and children from 13 states, including Colorado, and Assessing the New Federalism, a multi-year research project to...
The Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1968. It investigates the social and economic problems confronting the nation and government policies and public and private programs designed to alleviate them. UI reports include the National Survey of America's Families, a representative look at the well-being of adults and children from 13 states, including Colorado, and Assessing the New Federalism, a multi-year research project to analyze the devolution of responsibility for social programs from the federal government to the states, focusing primarily on health care, income security, job training, and social services.