Context and Perspective:
How do you investigate an author’s perspective on a topic?
What type of publication is the article from (scholarly article, general magazine/newspaper/etc., blog, video, etc.)?
What is the author’s background (for example, scholarly, journalistic, member of community, etc.)
—Strategies for finding information about the author:
Group 1
Scholarly Article:
Rudd, Andy, and Brian S. Gordon. "An Exploratory Investigation of Sportsmanship Attitudes Among College Student Basketball Fans." Journal Of Sport Behavior 33, no. 4 (December 2010): 466-488.
Newspaper Article:
Mallozzi, Vincent M. "At Cornell, Catch of the Day Is Always Best on Ice." New York Times, November 05, 2006, 10.
Group 2
Scholarly Article:
Lisa Pinley Covert
“The GI Bill Abroad: A Postwar Experiment in International Relations,” Diplomatic History. Apr 2016, Vol. 40 Issue 2, p244-268.
News Article:
Brian Mockenhaupt, “Veterans tackle another objective: Elite colleges,” Washington Post, Nov 26, 2018, B2.
Group 3
Scholarly Article:
Luo, Jiali and Jamieson-Drake, David
“Predictors of Study Abroad Intent, Participation, and College Outcomes”
Research in Higher Education. Feb2015, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p29-56.
News Article:
“Study Abroad's Seven Deadly Sins”
Coclanis, Peter A.
New York Times, 10 Apr 2016: ED.6.
Group 4
Scholarly Article:
“Does It Matter Where College Students Live? Differences in Satisfaction and Outcomes as a Function of Students' Living Arrangement and Gender.”
Larry D. Long
Journal of College & University Student Housing. 2014, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p66-85
News Article:
Alison Leigh Cowan and David Walter
“Dorm rooms with bragging rights.”
New York Times, May 28, 2010, A16