This section provides examples of how to cite information obtained from subscription-based databases and that are not articles in magazines, newspapers, trade journals, or scholarly journals. The APA Publication Manual, 7th ed. says that the database should included in the reference, and in italics, if a reader needs to retrieve the work cited in that specific source (p. 296), or when the work is proprietary to that database (p. 297). That is the case in the examples provided in this section. Consequently, the database names are included in the examples used in this portion of the guide.
For a database that requires login, use the database URL or that of the login page.
In addition, when you know the information cited won't be available in the future in a particular database, the retrieval date of the report should be included:
Author, A. A. (Date). Title of work. Retrieved Month day, year, from Name of database. URL.
Or if there is no author:
Title of work. (Date). Retrieved Month day, year, from Name of database. URL.
The general formats for in text-citations are:
Parenthetical citation: (Last name of author, year)
Narrative citation: Last name of author (year)
If you are including a direct quote, you need to include the page number. If a document doesn't have a page number you can use the paragraph number or an abbreviated heading name (along with the paragraph #) under which it falls.
In-text example for a direct quote: (Smith, 2018, p. 50)
In-text cite example if pages are not included: (Smith, 2018, para. 3)
This entry has no author, so the format below is used. In addition, because Bizminer does not archive reports, the retrieval date of the report is included:
Title of work. (Year). Retrieved Month day, year, from Name of database. URL.
Industry financial report. All US [722515.024] Bagel shop industry wide. (2020 December). Retrieved July 29, 2021, from Bizminer.
In-text cite:
According to "Industry Financial Report," (2020), the current ratio for the bagel shop industry was 1.38 in 2016.
Worldwide digital ad revenues. (2021). Retrieved July 30, 2021, from eMarketer.
In-text citation:
Google's digital ad revenue worldwide is expected to be $146.57 billion in 2022 ("Worldwide Digital Ad Revenues," 2021).
First Research industry profiles do not have authors/bylines. Here's how you could cite it:
Fast-food & quick-service restaurants (2021, July 12). Retrieved July 30, 2021 from
First Research.
In-text cite:
There is intense competition in the quick service industry, providing consumers a wide variety of quality food service options ("Fast-Food," 2021).
To cite the reports from IBISWorld, it will probably be easier if you download the pdf version and use it to create your reference.
Le, T. (2020, September). Pizza restaurants. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from IBISWorld.
In-text cite:
This industry is expected to have moderate growth in the next five years (Le, 2020).
These are examples of how you could cite information retrieved from Mergent Intellect.
Reference example:
McDonald's Corporation. Inc. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2021, from Mergent Intellect.
In-text citation:
Two of McDonald's burger competitors include Wendy's and Jack in the Box (McDonald's, n.d.).
If you want to differentiate the information you found in the different sections of Mergent, you could do so by using the letters a-z after the date. For instance, if you want to do this for the 10-K and industry report retrieved for McDonald's, the following examples are provided:
Reference example for 10-K retrieved from Mergent Intellect (it would probably be easier to cite if you obtained it from the company website):
McDonald's Corporation. Inc. (n.d.a). Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from
Mergent Intellect.
In-text cite (you need to include the page number if you are providing an exact quotation):
"In 2020, global comparable sales decreased 7.7% primarily as a result of COVID-19. Comparable guest counts were negative across all segments for the year" (McDonald's, n.d.a, p. 8).
Reference example for a First Research industry profile retrieved from Mergent Intellect, although it would probably be better to cite it directly from the First Research database as you would be able to use an actual date instead of n.d.:
McDonald's Corporation. (n.d.b). Fast-food & quick-service restaurants, July 12, 2021. Retrieved July 30, 2021 from
Mergent Intellect.
In-text cite:
There is intense competition in the quick service industry, providing consumers a wide variety of quality food service options (McDonald's, n.d.b).
Mintel has industry analysts who write their reports, so use them as your authors.
Ruiz, J. (2021). Marketing to Hispanic moms - US. Mintel.
In-text cite.
Hispanic moms are attracted to back-to-school sales (Ruiz, 2021).
The following example reflects a list of pet shop companies in Denver, CO retrieved from Reference Solutions. Because this list will change over time, the following is used: Retrieved month, day, year, from
Pet shops in Denver, CO. (n.d). Retrieved July 30, 2021, from Reference Solutions.
In text cite:
There are 48 pet shops in Denver, CO ("Pet Shops," n.d.).
Camp Bow Wow. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2021, from Reference Solutions.
In-text cite:
Camp Bow Wow's (n.d.) parent company is Mars, Inc.
It is unclear whether NetAdvantage will provide these reports indefinitely, so a retrieved date is included in both reference examples.
Snyder, K. & Lee, L. S. (2021, February). Industry surveys: Telecommunications. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from NetAdvantage.
In-text cite:
Verizon acquired Yahoo in June 2017, expanding the company into mobile and video (Snyder and Lee, 2021).
Snyder, K. (2021, July 24). Verizon Communications, Inc. Stock report. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from NetAdvantage.
In-text cite:
Snyder reports that due to fierce it will continue to struggle in the wireless space (Snyder).
Global adspend summary by medium, 2017-2021. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2021, from WARC.
In-text citation:
Total global magazine ad spending in 2017 was $20,060.1 million ( "Global Adspend," n.d.).
Intel Corporation. (n.d.). Media mix - Annual. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from Winmo.
In-text citation:
Intel’s estimated media spending in print channels for the first quarter of 2021 was $18,162 (Intel, n.d.).
Morning Consult. (July 13, 2020). Opinions on including racial diversity in advertising according to adults in the United States as of June 2020, by age group [Graph]. Retrieved December 16, 2021, from Statista.
In-Text Cite:
Fifty-five percent of adults from the ages of 18-34 would like to see more racial diversity in ads (Morning Consult, 2020).