Library CatalogThis is the library catalog for the University Libraries. Your search will help you locate materials owned by the University Libraries, including books, journals, dvds, government documents, and much more. The catalog contains links to thousands of online congressional hearings, nearly all GAO reports from the 1970s to present, and Colorado Legislative Council materials. To find Legislative Council issue briefs on your topic, combine your topic terms with the phrase Colorado Legislative Council (e.g., sex offenders and ...
This is the library catalog for the University Libraries. Your search will help you locate materials owned by the University Libraries, including books, journals, dvds, government documents, and much more. The catalog contains links to thousands of online congressional hearings, nearly all GAO reports from the 1970s to present, and Colorado Legislative Council materials. To find Legislative Council issue briefs on your topic, combine your topic terms with the phrase Colorado Legislative Council (e.g., sex offenders and Colorado). This kind of search will retrieve many digital publications from state departments, divisions, and governing bodies, such as the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board. To look for federal documents in the catalog, use the "Advanced Keyword Search" screen to do a topic keyword search and limit the results to Government Documents: Federal.