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Images: Citing Images

This guide was created by Rachel Hartman ( and is maintained by Peggy Keeran.

Citing Images

Whether you found an image for a paper or project through Google Images, a library database, or in a book, be sure to cite it properly. By citing your sources you avoid plagiarism and you give credit to the creator of the image, video, or text you are using. Be sure to include at a minimum:

  • The title
  • The creator, artist, or photographer
  • The source (book, journal, database, poster, or website)


Royalty free clip art, like the images available from Microsoft Office, do not need to be cited.

Citation Styles: Online Guides

There are different styles used to cite images. These include APAMLA, and Chicago (Turabian is a condensed version of Chicago). Ask your professor which style to use and then check out these links to learn how to cite using the appropriate style.

Citation Styles

If you would prefer to look at a print copy of a style manual, the Main Library at Anderson Academic Commons has them on the reference shelves.

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Elia Trucks
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