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Topic Research Guides in Music: Fall 2023

This Research Guide links to student-created annotated bibliographies on music topics. These bibliographies were compiled and annotated by students in MUAC 4000: Intro to Graduate Study in Music. They are made available here to other students and scholars

Annotated Bibliographies

Click on the title of an annotated bibliography to download it as a PDF.

University of Denver Student:

Mozart’s Da Ponte Operas and the Bel Canto

University of Denver Student:

The Ongoing Death of Classical Music: An Annotated Bibliography

University of Denver Student:

The Pros and Cons of Beta Blockers: Doping in Music Performance

University of Denver Student:

The Pros and Cons of Beta Blockers: Doping in Music Performance

University of Denver Student:

What Is the Significance of Specialized Voice Technique in Handel's Cantatas?