Here are a few common questions about Prospector:
How long will it take for me to get the book?
Usually it takes from 2-5 days for Prospector books to arrive. If your book is coming from a library on the Western Slope, it may take up to 7 days to arrive. You will receive an email notice when the book is ready for you to pickup at your chosen lending desk.
How will I be notified when the book arrives?
You will receive an email from University Libraries to your DU email account when your book has arrived.
How long do I have to pick up my book?
The email that you receive notifying you that the item is ready for pickup will specify this time period; generally, it is 3 days.
What if my book is not available through Prospector?
You can make a request through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). See also our Research Guide tutorial on ILL.
Why was my Prospector request cancelled, and what do I do now to get the book I want?
Your Prospector request may be cancelled if the book is missing, lost, or can be used only in the partner library. If possible, your request will be transferred to another library that has the book available, but if no available copy of the book is found, your request will be cancelled and you will be notified by email. The next step would be to request the book through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary Loan will search for a library outside of Prospector that owns the book.
Can I renew a Prospector book?
While renewals of Prospector items were once allowed, borrowing policies have since changed for most items from two possible three-week checkout periods to one six-week checkout period. After that time, the item will have to be returned to the lending library, or you will incur overdue fees or fines. You can, however, request the item again once it has returned to the lending library.
Can I access ebooks or electronic journals from a participating library?
No, due to vendor licensing agreements, ebooks and electronic journals are not accessible via Prospector and it is impossible to "lend" these out. Instead, try, placing an Interlibrary Loan request for journal articles or book chapters.