In general you will not be able to find detailed financials for the majority of subsidiaries or private companies that exist in the U.S. However, PrivCo does have information for over 850,000 privately-held U.S. companies, and there are some subsidiaries that may be trading independently of the parent. Here are some tips for private company and subsidiaries research:
- Search PrivCo.
- Use a database like Reference Solutions which will provide estimated sales figures for these types of companies.
- The Book of Lists is a good source when looking for top companies for an industry in the Denver metro area.
- Most companies have websites, so you should comb through them for information.
- If the company is a subsidiary, identify the parent. Then determine whether the parent is publicly traded or not. If the parent is trading publicly, information about the subsidiary may be provided in the 10-K, including revenue figures for two or three years.
- Use databases like ABI/Inform Collection, or others that are identified in the Articles section of this guide, to find out if anything has been written about these companies in magazines, trade periodicals, or newspapers.
- Another strategy would be to look at credit reports for these types of companies. Experian Powered Business reports provide the most recent credit information for companies and can be found in Nexis Uni.
- Information about a private company or subsidiaries may be included in market research or industry reports, so be alert when looking at these types of sources. In addition, an annual report for a publicly-traded company may provide some information about privately-held competitors.
- Use industry financial benchmarks.
- If your company is from Europe, regardless of whether it is public, private, or subsidiary, use Orbis.