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Funding & Grants for Graduate Students: Tips and Strategies for Funding Research

This guide was created for graduate students who are interested in finding grants and scholarships for their research.

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Searching and applying for grants is an ongoing process.  As an English graduate student in creative writing once said to me, he is his own secretary: once a week he sets aside a few hours to search and apply for grants.  He always had applications out there to fund his projects.

Grants are available for study, research, and creative endeavors.  There are some basic tips to keep in mind as you apply for grants.

In this guide, we provide links to online resources and locations of print sources located in the Main Library.  Also check the websites of associations and periodicals in your discipline.

As a member of DU, you can create a profile for yourself in Pivot COS. Set up profile of your research interests and you will be notified by email of funding alerts.  When you join, use your email account so that the system recognizes you as a member of our community.

As graduate students, there are challenges for finding grants, for there are fewer available to you as individuals and it takes time to find the right grant for you.


  •  Start early.
  •  Be aware of deadlines – these happen year round.
  •  Search for grants based on:
    • your project and area of study
    • your profile (religion, gender, ethnic background, place of birth or residence, etc.)
    • the place of where you will be researching (a particular place or library – Huntington Library or a specific society). Search the website for the institute where you wish to do research to determine if they offer grants
    • relevant associations that offer grants and other types of funding
    • relevant periodicals that post grants and other types of opportunities
  •  When you have found a relevant grant, see if there is a website for the grant to ensure you have the most current information, as well as to find descriptions of past successful awards.
  •  Determine if the amount awarded is worth the time you will have to invest applying for it.
  •   If possible, don’t apply for grants that have to be repaid.

 Good luck!


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Elia Trucks
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Bridget Farrell
250E Anderson Academic Commons
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