To maximize the number of monographs we can have on site in the library, we have installed moveable, compact shelving on the lower level. The stacks of books move along rails, propelled by the turn of the handle at the end of the stack. The shelves glide easily as the handle is turned.
We will still retrieve books at the library and from Hampden Center. You may continue to use "Request It" to have materials delivered for you to pick up at the Lending Desk.
If you need help learning how to use the moveable shelving, ask at the Lending Desk on the main level of the library, near the entrance, or call them at 303-871-3707.
The shelving is relatively easy to move, but if you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask at the Lending Desk on the main level of the library for someone to go assist you.
You may also use "Request It" to have materials retrieved from the moveable shelving for you and held at the Lending Desk.
Check to see if anyone is in the aisles of the shelving you plan to move.
To move the shelves, turn the rotating handle at the end of the stack. Turn the handle in the direction you want the shelves to move. You can move up to three stacks at a time.
Not all stacks are moveable, so check to see if the stack you need has a rotating handle or not. If not, the stack doesn't move.
There is a foot-stop bar at the bottom of each stack to prevent the shelves from moving. Put your foot on the bar while you are in the stacks. If the stack won’t move, check to see if anyone is in the aisle. Once you remove your foot, you need to turn the handle in reverse in order to make the shelves move forward again.
You can also lock the shelves by pushing on the pin in the handle. That wil prevent anyone from moving the shelve until the pin is pulled up.