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A Guide to Engineering Research

Request books not owned by the DU Libraries

The fastest way to request a book that the DU Libraries don't own (or a book that is currently checked out) is to request it through Prospector.

If Prospector doesn't have the book you need, you can request the book through Interlibrary Loan. Search WorldCat to discover books held by participating libraries worldwide:

Request items from Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Need an article, book, video, or other item that DU Libraries don't own? Use our free Interlibrary Loan service!

Log in to your Interlibrary Loan account to request or renew items from participating libraries around the world. The first time you log in, you'll need to fill out a brief registration form -- just remember to use your UNH email address when you register!

1. Enter the information about the item you'd like to request (if you've been searching an article database or WorldCat, those systems should automatically push the item's info to your account).

2. The item you requested should now show up in your Outstanding Requests list on the homepage -- if you don't see the item's information there, try submitting your request again.

  • Most electronic articles are received in 24-48 hours -- if you include an ISSN with your article request, you might receive the article within an hour!

3. If you've gotten an email letting you know that your electronic article has arrived, you can download it from the "Electronically Received Articles" page.

  • Articles can only be posted on this page for 30 days, due to copyright restrictions -- so please save a copy to your computer.

If you need assistance please contact the Interlibrary Loan Department at 303-871-2497 or