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ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology: Home

This is a course-specific guide covering resources for cultural anthropology.

Starting your literature review

  • Begin by identifying a problem that you are interested in investigating
  • Develop a research question about the problem
  • Identify the main concepts in your research question and brainstorm synonyms and alternative terms for each concept
  • Construct your search strategies using the identified terms and Boolean operators (AND, OR), quotes for phrase searching, and truncation
  • Search Anthropology Plus, AnthroSource, and other relevant disciplinary and multidisciplinary databases
  • Identify relevant subject headings for your topic from the results overview and from article records
  • Pick up additional (keyword) search terms from article abstracts and titles
  • Evaluate the results and refine your searches with subject headings, additional terms, and other limits (e.g., date, peer reviewed) as necessary
  • Identify potentially important articles for your research by reviewing the titles, abstracts, and the full article (pay attention to the introduction, methods, findings, and conclusion)
  • Save the citations and full-text articles for full review

Subject Guide

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Jenny Bowers
University Libraries

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