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Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Research Guide: Searching the Website and Data Holdings

Searching the Website and Data Holdings

For a keyword search, select Find Data. Type in keywords and select the field to search. If this method of searching does not provide enough relevant results, then look at search tips which are located in the search box or view FAQs.

  • Advanced Search allows for "and" boolean searches and date searches.
  • ICPSR has a controlled vocabulary. To access the Terminology select the Help tab and scroll down. After selecting thesaurus, the user can select three areas to search: Subject thesaurus, Personal names authority list, and geographic names thesaurus.

It is also possible to thematically search ICPSR. Seach for "tutorials"

Reference Librarian

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Christopher C. Brown
University Libraries

University of Denver

(303) 871-3404