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Fake News

Determining Creditability

Some foundations from NPR and Johns Hopkins:

A finder's guide to facts
Steve Inskeep, NPR Online, December 11, 2016

Fake or real? How to self-check the news and get the facts
Wynne Davis, All Tech Considered (NPR), December 5, 2016

Evaluating Sources
Sheridan Libraries & University Museums (Johns Hopkins University), Evaluating Information Guide, Nov 28, 2016

Information and its Counterfeits: Propoganda, Misinformation and Disinformation
Sheridan Libraries & University Museums (Johns Hopkins University), Evaluating Information Guide, Nov 28, 2016


Test Yourself!

Quiz: Can you spot the fake stories?
BBC News, 17 November 2016
Can you pick the fake news headline?
Australian Broadcast Company, 21 November 2016
Weekly News Quiz
The New York Times, updates weekly


Authority, Bias, & Context


Does the source hold authority in their field?
Does the source cite others who have authority in the field?
Do they demonstrate (either in writing or through historical accomplishment) strong knowledge of the subject?


What is the point-of-view of the source?
Does the article openly frame its bias (share the author's point of view to explain their perspective)?
Is the source supported by organizations with a known interest in one side of the argument?


When and where was this article published?
What else is the source publishing?
Check quotations and sources! Is everything being shared the way it was intended?
Is this serious or satire?