A database integrating statistical data from 1,074 yearbooks published by authoritative government data publishers such as China Statistics Press. Customized data analysis tables can be generated automatically based on indexes and time span chosen, and the analysis tables can be read by SPSS and other tools.
Datasets not available for current data (post-2015).
Our library has been informed that in order to ensure cross-border services are in compliance with law, CNKI has had to suspend some of its database services. As such, China Statistical Yearbooks Database is temporarily unavailable, and the date of resumption of access is to be determined. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
A database integrating statistical data from 1,074 yearbooks published by authoritative government data publishers such as China Statistics Press.
Datasets may be retrieved from more recent years (i.e.g 2015-present)
Dataset Search enables users to find datasets stored across thousands of repositories on the Web, making these datasets universally accessible and useful.
An integral part of the infrastructure of social science research, ICPSR maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction. Note: A personal account is required for downloading content. Account must be created on campus before being able to log in from off campus.
Covers the monthly publication International Financial Statistics as well as data found in the annual publication International Financial Statistics Yearbook.
Contains data sets covering corrections, courts, crime and delinquency, the criminal justice system, hate crimes, homicides, international crime, police, victimization, violent crimes, and several other areas.
U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications related to social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography.
Provides fast and easy access to statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, states, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations.
Internet-based mapping application that enables users to develop interactive thematic maps and reports using thousands of demographic, business, and marketing data variables. Account-creation optional but work will not be saved. Limited to 5 concurrent users
Features data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources, including market research reports, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Note: For University of Denver faculty, students and staff only. Users of the Statista websites and subpages are granted a nonexclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and use for research purposes the Online Service and Materials made available. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. No library walk-ins are allowed to use this database.
Features combined sources of data from various UN bodies. This is the first place to go for all UN data. Includes data from UNESCO, ILO, FAO, WHO, ITU, UNHCR, Human Development Report, Demographic Statistics, World Population Prospects, and Commodity Trade Statistics.
This United Nations data gathering endeavor includes data from over 140 countries. With over 1.1 billion data records, it is the largest repository of its kind available on the Internet.
U.S. Census Bureau's search portal to recent decennial census data, including the American Community Survey, and economic census data. Includes the ability to generate maps in selected data sets.
Features time series data on demographics, the economy, education, and the environment, for more than 200 countries from 1960-present. Data can be downloaded and manipulated.
Covers 264 nations, dependent areas and other entities, and provides statistical details ranging from total area to infant mortality rates integrated with factual information such as an overview of the economy.